Wisdom Rising

Guided Shamanic Journey Through the Rainbow Portal

Christine Renee, Isabel Wells, and Shantel Ochoa Season 1 Episode 19

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Ready to connect with the vibrant energies of the universe and discover your highest potential? Join us on a mystical journey through the Rainbow Portal. In this guided meditation, you'll engage with the Spirits of the East, South, West, North, and beyond. This experience is designed to help you ground yourself, release emotional burdens, and awaken your spiritual gifts. Feel the harmonious alignment of your physical, emotional, and spiritual health as you embrace the power of colors and Shamanic practices for true healing.

Journey through each color of the rainbow as they bring unique support to your body and spirit. Find yourself transported to a personal sanctuary where the elements of fire, air, wind, and water converge to nurture your highest self. Relish in the gifts of strength, hope, and wisdom as you emerge renewed and empowered, ready to face the world with courage and alignment. A sacred meadow awaits to guide you towards the transformation you've been seeking, enveloping you in its magic. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your healing journey with vivid visualizations and spiritual insights.

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Speaker 1:

It's time to remember your divine purpose and limitless potential. Welcome to Wisdom Rising, the official podcast of Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. Join shamanic Reiki practitioners Christine Rene, isabel Wells and Chantel Ochoa as we guide you on a journey of radical self-discovery and spiritual guidance. Each week, we'll dance through the realms of shamanism, mysticism, energy, healing and personal development to illuminate your path to true healing and self-sourced wisdom Through weekly inspired conversations and interviews with leading spiritual and shamanic practitioners. We are here to help you acknowledge, reconcile and balance your energy so that you can awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising from within.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to Wisdom Rising, your podcast for shamanic content. Today we have a special episode for you, that is, a shamanic guided meditation to what I like to call the Rainbow Portal. This meditation is specifically offered, very intuitively, as a means to journey to the lower world to receive support and physical and emotional healing. I hope you so enjoy it. Be sure to follow us over on Facebook and Instagram and YouTube and TikTok and all of the places and spaces where you're gonna get the most up-to-date content for us, knowing also that we have live event calendar where we're doing Q and A's and book clubs and alchemy circles and all sorts of things that you can get involved with If you are interested in joining some of our free opportunities. So be sure to check us out and I hope you enjoy today's guided meditation.

Speaker 2:

Guided meditation, all right, so just taking a moment, taking a nice deep breath, inhaling through your nose, exhaling through your mouth, letting go of all things that no longer serve you in this time and in this moment. Breathing in through the nose, nose, exhaling through the mouth, blowing it all away, doing this as many times as you need to, as your body becomes heavy and relaxed, noticing that breath, that rise and fall of your chest, feeling into your body, noticing your heartbeats, and just begin to fully. Let your body rest and relax, letting your legs become heavy and relaxed, letting your hips become heavy and relaxed, letting your sits, bones and your back sink into the surface beneath you, letting your belly soften, letting your shoulders drop, letting your arms becoming heavy and relaxed, your face muscles softening, your jaw relaxing, knowing that you're safe in this time, in this moment worthy of this healing. So we call upon the spirits of the East. The rising sun, the breath of fresh air, the new possibilities and opportunities on the horizon, we welcome in new perspectives. We welcome an eagle to help us see from all different angles. We welcome spirits of the east.

Speaker 2:

We welcome the spirits of the south with her fire, power, passion and motivation to let go what no longer serves us, to let go of the emotional bindings, situations allowing us to unwrap, and let them go utilizing that fire to burn them, knowing that we can let go of the past, we can let go of the worry of the future. We can be here now in our authentic truth and our full and our integrity, our voice, our wisdom, our knowingness being present in the moment. So we welcome the spirits of the south. We welcome the spirits of the west, with those cool and calming waters to wash away what no longer serves us, envisioning that stream and letting anything feels heavy to be washed away, noticing if it is to rain, the rain is washing us or if we need to step into the river and let it flow, letting it go downstream, and how peaceful it is to allow the water to rinse us. As we welcome in our spiritual gifts, our intuition, when we allow the mind to relax and allow our heart to lead. We welcome in that trust of our intuition.

Speaker 2:

We welcome in the spirits of the south. We welcome in the spirits of the north that's grounded space, that space of rest, space of integration, space of wisdom, wisdom of the mountains, a space of wisdom, the wisdom of the mountains, the wisdom of the trees, the wisdom of the earth, to help us ground and to know that we are in a season and this season is going to pass and another will come, learning how to be patient and to be willing as we move through the seasons of life. We welcome in the spirits of the north. We welcome the spirits from below, with the power animals and mythical creatures that help us to reveal the symbolism in what we see, hear and feel, whether in reality or in non-ordinary reality, whether it's in our everyday life or in guided meditations. We ask that the whispers of wisdom from below help us to interpret well what they offer. We welcome the spirits from below. We welcome the spirits from above, with the moon, sun and stars of the sky that shine down on us, helping us to illuminate our path before us with the support of our spirit guides and guardian angels. The angelics helping us to come into a place of alignment for our physical health, our emotional health and our spiritual health. Help us be here now.

Speaker 2:

We welcome the spirits from above. We welcome in the center. We welcome in our heart space. We welcome in our higher self. We welcome in the center of the circle, the space between victoria and myself, to create the sacred container to do this healing work, allowing whatever needs to show up for her highest healing possible to present itself, to allow the energy to flow. Welcome in that Reiki energy and whatever visuals, feelings, sensations, visuals, feelings, sensations, words that need to come through, with all seven directions now present. This is a sacred circle to do this healing work, breathing that all in Breathing in through the nose and exhaling through the nose to tune in fully and just feeling into the present moment, welcoming in our visual of being in the sacred meadow space, our starting point, noticing if it's hot or cool, dry or humid, noticing the time of day, noticing any colors that stand out to you in the meadow, what you hear, birds, there's insects, allowing your body to relax even further, going out any stored stress. Be fully present in the meadow now, saying yes to healing, saying yes to messages, saying yes to what there is to come on the shamanic meditation, knowing that you have angels with you, support with you, healing your physical body, container as we journey to the lower world to receive support, to receive healing.

Speaker 2:

And so we begin in the meadow, finding that pathway, noticing what kind of path presents itself. Is it grass? Is it moss? Is it pebbles? Is it stones? Is it packed dirt? Noticing the path before you. Feel free to reach down and touch the path. You have a tangible physical response to what are you walking on. It may even be crunchy leaves as we move into fall. I'm noticing that there's a bit of a breeze, almost a sacred wind that kind of pushes you along the path and rustles your hair as you're walking through the meadow, finding that trailhead the signpost trail starts here. Signpost trail starts here, noticing how we move from meadow into forest, noticing if it's evergreen trees or deciduous, notice if there's bushes or smaller plants, noticing if there's berries or flowers along our journey, and taking your time to notice your environment, knowing that, as the wind gently pushes you along the path, that you're still very well aware of your surroundings and how easy the path is to take and to trust and to know, welcoming any transportation guide, there's a power animal that wants to walk with you as we head to the lower world. You keep walking to walk with you as we head to the lower world.

Speaker 2:

We keep walking forward, moving around curves and paths, perhaps boulders, or stepping over tree trunks, as we make our way down a slope into a valley, noticing a creek, a pond, a water, a body of water that is low, moving. There may be a waterfall, you're like there's small waterfall, but it's making a rainbow from the mist and you can feel the freshness in the air. You feel that the rainbow itself is showing up as a sign as we're moving from the heaviness and into the light. We're transitioning from the heaviness and into the light. We're transitioning from the storm and into the light, as the sun trickles through the leaves, canopy overhead, knowing that blessings are showing up, doors are, opportunities are on the horizon. So as we notice the water, as we notice the waterfall, we notice the rainbow.

Speaker 2:

You feel called to get into the water. It feels counterintuitive at first. There's a fear of it being too cold, too, whatever. It feels like the resistance there, and yet you feel called to the rainbow, you feel drawn towards it, you want to feel it, you want to be in that iridescent, those colors, that mist, mist. And so as you move into the water, you realize it's not that cold, it's not that bad, it actually feels quite pleasurable feeling the water against your skin, noticing if you feel like removing clothing, as if the clothing holds the heaviness in which you have walked around, and that the rainbow is going to provide everything that you need. And that the rainbow is going to provide everything that you need the colors, the flavors of life, the new opportunities. The rainbow feels like magic as you get closer and closer and, instead of it being a real rainbow that always is in the distance, you are able to stand in the portal of colors, to stand within the rainbow, as you are in the water, transforming your experience, allowing the color frequencies to heal certain areas of your body. And it feels like a portal way because everywhere around you, from head to toe, whether you're in the water or not, is being blessed with these colors, these frequencies of healing, of encouragement, of faith, of knowingness.

Speaker 2:

Noticing the pinks and reds and what they offer, what they heal, what they support. Noticing the orange, where you can feel it in your body. Where does it hit? What does it support within you? Where does it hit? What does it support within you? Where does it move towards? Noticing the yellows when does it move into? Where does it support your body? What is it help in the transformation of healing? Where does yellow go? Noticing the greens, luscious greens of the rainbow. What does it support your body? What frequencies does it offer? How does it hit emotionally? Where does it need to flow? Noticing the blues? Not noticing its frequency. Noticing where in your body is it gravitated towards to offer its healing, its light frequency?

Speaker 2:

Just noticing what shows up as we're moving through the colors of the rainbow. Noticing the indigos, the violet, noticing where it moves, how it shows up, how does it support, how does it flow, noticing if there was one color that really felt dominant. Noticing that color now if it continues to expand all around you, noticing if there's one dominant or if there's a mix, as you stand in the rainbow, in the water, allowing the elements to show up for you the water, the air, the wind, the light, representing fire. Such a beautiful mix as you stand in the colors, move in the colors. It's as if the colors are becoming something that you can almost hold on to. It's as if this is a portal way and you can ask for healing. It can transport you into a scene of the optimal healing experience. Let the colors transport you to your most ideal location for the most ideal healing possible. Let the colors help your body dissolve into energy, into frequency, to transport you to this new location, doing so in the count of three One, two, three.

Speaker 2:

You're now in a new location. The rainbow energy brought you there. You're in a new scene of optimal healing possible, noticing your surroundings. Now Anything is possible. Noticing what you hear. Noticing what you can smell, what you can taste, what you can touch, what you can hear. Knowing that this space is meant for you and only you. This has been crafted, designed by divine intelligence to offer exactly what you need in this time and in this moment, noticing how the scene unfolds. How the scene unfolds, noticing what elements show up in this space there's fire, there's air, wind Putting all of the elements and all of the pieces that are showing up to be completely available for your healing, transformation, for your emotional health, your physical health and your spiritual health. All things are possible in this space, because the divine intelligence has provided this for you and you can feel it. You can feel the energy working within you and outside of you, helping you rearrange the energies from within and without to come fully into your highest potential, taking some silent time now to allow this process.

Speaker 2:

Thank you Breathing allowing slowing breathing, allowing flowing with whatever energy is showing up for you, you're safe. You're safe. You're safe allowing your body to come into the flow, to come into alignment, noticing the light all around you, noticing the energy within you, noticing that heart space open and release any heaviness, allowing your body to trust life, saying yes to opportunities on the horizon. Thank you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah noticing the rainbow colors that poured away somewhere around you. Noticing if you feel complete or if more healing is needed, knowing that the option to return back to the pond, back to the river, back to the meadow, just through that portal way of the rainbow, you are able to prepare yourself for your return. Noticing what you need, noticing what gifts are available to you. Noticing what you need. Noticing what gifts are available to you, tools that are in this healing space to remind you of how strong, how brave and courageous to keep moving forward. To keep moving forward, noticing that they may be emotion, those attributes that you're collecting, choosing the wisdom, choosing the faith, choosing the hope, choosing the strength, collecting all of that energy to support you as you move forward. Before entering into the portal, what do you need and where does it go? In your energy, in your physical body or in your auric field? Around you, beautiful, gathering everything that you need, that comes to you. Intuitively, say yes, knowing that you are worthy and that you deserve all of the support that you need. Beautiful, beautiful. Having gathered all of these attributes, feeling strong in mind, body and spirit, make your way back to that rainbow portal, standing within it, noticing how the colors now interact with your body. The reds, the oranges, the yellows, the greens, the blues, indigos and violets, giving thanks for this healing place, ready to make our return back to the waterfall. And with that intention, training back to the waterfall will be there on the count of three. One, two, three. Feeling the coolness of the water around you once again, feeling the mist and spray of the waterfall, noticing how things have shifted, how strong you are, how brave you are, how in alignment you are with your inner knowingness and truth.

Speaker 2:

Having visited the rainbow healing space Whenever you're ready, moving out of the water and receiving clothes of some kind that helps seal in all of the energetic work that we've done today, all of the healing, all of the releasing, all of the acceptance of these characteristics and emotional support. Put on your new clothes now, noticing if there's any accessories needed and they can magically appear for you Perhaps they're hanging on a nearby tree branch. Noticing what you're wearing Is it flowing, is it comfortable, what color is it? What is the fabric made of? Noticing if there's any jewelry, any handbags, whatever it may be for you and, as now dressed in fresh clothing, find that trail once again that will bring us origin in the meadow, from here, noticing what time of day it is it's hot or cool, dry or humid, noticing if you hear anything, or?

Speaker 2:

smell anything Beautiful when you are ready, taking a moment to come fully back into your physical awareness, noticing your inhale and exhale, with the rise and fall of your chest, noticing where your sit bones hit on the surface beneath you, noticing the textures around you, noticing your own clothing giving your body a stretch, wiggling your fingers and toes, coming all the way back.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for tuning in to today's show. The Wisdom Rising podcast is sponsored by Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcasting app and be the first to know when we release a new episode. You can find us on Instagram, facebook, youtube and TikTok at Moon Rising Institute, or visit our website, moonrisinginstitutecom to learn more about our mission and find future opportunities to connect with our community of shamanic mystics. Once again, thank you for sharing space with us today and until next time, may you awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising from within.