Wisdom Rising
Shamanism, Reiki, Spirituality, Personal Development, and More. It’s time to re-member your Divine purpose and limitless potential. Welcome to Wisdom Rising, the official podcast of Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. Join Shamanic Reiki practitioners Christine Renee, Isabel Wells, and Shantel Ochoa as they guide you on a journey of radical self-discovery and spiritual guidance. Each week we dance through the realms of shamanism, mysticism, energy healing, and personal development to illuminate your path to true healing and self-sourced wisdom. Through weekly inspired conversations and interviews with leading spiritual and shamanic practitioners, we’re here to help you acknowledge, reconcile, and balance your energy so that you can awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising within. You can follow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok at MoonRisingInstitute, or visit our website, moonrisinginstitute.com, to learn more about our mission and find future opportunities to connect with our community of Shamanic mystics.
Wisdom Rising
Meet Your Spirit Guide: Guided Shamanic Journey
Have you ever wondered if your Spirit Guide was waiting to connect with you, holding the keys to healing and transformation? Join us for a powerful guided Shamanic journey to the Upper World in today's episode. Hear us call in the seven Shamanic Directions to open our sacred space, then learn about the Upper World and what it has in store for you. Experience the rhythmic call of Shamanic drumming as you are led on a guided Shamanic journey to meet your Spirit Guide, receiving a gift of healing or support.
As we close the journey with journaling and a grounding gratitude ritual, we refocus your awareness back to the present, thanking the spirits of the seven directions and expressing gratitude for the shared energy of our community.
Whether you are new to spiritual exploration or seeking deeper connections, we invite you to explore these realms with trust and gratitude, and to continue your journey within our nurturing community.
Ready for more? Join us for a community sacred gratitude circle on November 27th at 1pm MT / 3pm ET. Register for the live links and recording here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkdeGvqTkrE9OTG_zqoFlPgSuW-Y1iAC3d
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Book a FREE 10 minute connect call with Christine: https://calendly.com/christinerenee/10-minute-connect-call-srpt
It's time to remember your divine purpose and limitless potential. Welcome to Wisdom Rising, the official podcast of Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. Join shamanic Reiki practitioners Christine René, isabel Wells and Chantelle Ochoa as we guide you on a journey of radical self-discovery and spiritual guidance. Each week, we'll dance through the realms of shamanism, mysticism, energy, healing and personal development to illuminate your path to true healing and self-sourced wisdom Through weekly inspired conversations and interviews with leading spiritual and shamanic practitioners. We are here to help you acknowledge, reconcile and balance your energy so that you can awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising from within. Welcome back to another amazing episode of the Wisdom Rising podcast.
Speaker 1:I'm your host for today, isabel Wells, and I'm so excited to be joined with our moon-rising shamanic mystic, chantel Ochoa, for this guided shamanic journey to the upper world.
Speaker 1:We'll be meeting our spirit guide in today's experience, but before we do, you'll hear Chantel call to the seven shamanic directions, creating our sacred space.
Speaker 1:Then we'll dive into a conversation about what the upper world is, how it may appear and feel and how you'll know when you've reached it. Before we embark on a guided shamanic journey, complete with shamanic drumming, to meet your spirit guide and receive a gift of healing or transformation from them. At the end, you'll have time to journal and we'll thank the directions and release the spirits that helped us through this experience to complete our sacred circle together. Please note that this podcast is a recording from a workshop we did earlier this year and if you want to skip straight to the guided meditation portion of today's podcast, fast forward to about 16 minutes in. Before you do, remember to subscribe to the podcast so that you can get access to new episodes sooner and join us over in the Moon Rising Shamanic Mystics Facebook group. To keep the conversation going, be sure that you're in a comfortable seated or lying position, keep away all distractions and get ready to meet your spirit guide in this healing shamanic journey. Let's dive in.
Speaker 2:Taking in three deep breaths, breathing in through your nose and breathing out through your mouth, breathing in through your nose and breathing out through your mouth. And in this next breath, I want you to gather up any energy, thoughts or emotions that are ready to be released at this time, offering it to Mother Earth, gaia, to be transmuted and released. Very good, just giving yourself permission to be present here, to be centered and to sink deeper into the seat beneath you. And so it is. So I'm going to go ahead and read in the directions. If you know your direction of east, we will start there. We call to our circle the spirit of the east, the keeper of the dawn, the new day, day. We ask that you shine your light on our path, showing us the way, opening new doors and guiding us towards new opportunities. Allow us to fly high on your eagle wings so we may see from a higher perspective, and to clarify our visions. We love you, we honor you and we welcome the spirits of the East Facing the South. We call to our circle the spirits of the South, the keeper of transformation and the fire dragon. We ask that you light the fire within us, igniting our passion and flame. We are ready to release our past limiting beliefs and any obstacles that are holding us back. With the fire of your breath, burn through what no longer serves us and turning it into ash and allowing us to expand, to transform and to shed our old skin. We love you, we honor you, we welcome in the spirits of the South. Turning to the West, we call to our circle the spirits of the West, the keeper of the deep blue waters, our inner self and reflection where the mermaids play the dolphins in the wells. We ask that you teach us how to go within and to embrace the darker sides of ourselves, to release repressed emotions and to learn to nurture love and to forgive, and to teach us your wisdom and how to flow like a clean, clear river in a deep-seated forest, feeling refreshed and renewed. We love you, we honor you, we welcome in the spirits of the West.
Speaker 2:We call to our circle the spirits of the North, the keeper of the earth, which offers stability, strength and structure. We ask that you show us how to stay strong and grounded and teach us how to embody the spirit of the tree, with our roots embedded deep into the earth's dark, rich soil, connecting us with her loving energy, our limbs, reaching high to the upper realms, connecting us with our guides and our guardians, and our trunk centered, connecting us to our physical bodies. We love you, we honor you. We welcome in the spirits of the north, the spirits from above. We call to our circle the spirits from above, our spirit guides, our guardian angels, our loving ancestors and the cosmos of the sun, the moon and the stars, all shining brightly upon us. We thank you for holding us true to our soul agreements and guiding us through our life's journey.
Speaker 2:We love you, we honor you.
Speaker 2:We welcome in the spirits from above, our spirits from below. We call to our circle the spirits from below, our power animals, our, our spirit animals and the mystical creatures that love adventure and for us to journey with them. We welcome your teachings of symbology that allow us to understand life through symbols and through mystery. We love you, we honor you. We welcome in the spirits from below. We call to our circle our higher self to be connected and to be present now, to sit in the center of our sacred circle as we journey today, we give thanks for your presence and guidance and we ask that you lead us and help us to open the message, to be open to the messages that we are meant to receive today. We love you, we honor you, we welcome in our higher selves. With all seven directions present, I declare that the circle is now open, complete and sacred, and as we journey to the upper world to meet our spirit guides, we give thanks and gratitude for your presence and so it is, and so it is, and so it is Beautiful.
Speaker 1:Thank you for that, chantel, taking a moment to take some deep breaths. Come back into your body, as needed. We have our directions in place, we're centered, our guides and our higher self are with us, and so tonight we're going to be going on a journey to meet your spirit guide.
Speaker 2:So what is the upper world?
Speaker 2:The upper world is the home to our spirit guides, our angels and our ancestors.
Speaker 2:So this is the realm with all of our etheric, divine and powerful energy resides right.
Speaker 2:So the connection to our loved ones, connection to spirit, our spirit guides, and we are able to journey into this realm to allow us to connect with them, to receive guidance, to have a relationship with our guides as well, and so we have a guide that comes with us, comes into life with us, that helps to lead us and guide us and keep us on our soul's path right and I mean there's so much that happens in this world and as people, and so we're able to really, truly connect with our spiritual team and ask for their guidance, to ask for things that we're going through and to show us, you know, answers and messages and everything to lead us in the right way.
Speaker 2:So this is a place of wisdom, of love and healing, unity and compassion, and to know, when you tune into the upper world, you truly are tuning into that frequency of unconditional love and acceptance and healing. And we can call on our healing guides and acceptance and healing. And we can call on our healing guides, we can call on our spirit guides and all different areas and realms of them so that they can come in and truly assist us here in this world that we're in.
Speaker 1:Beautiful. And so how the upper world looks is really important because, again, if you were with us for the power animal webinar, you know that with these three realms we're looking at three really distinct energies, right. And so the lower world is very earthy and it often comes through as really dense nature, so think forests. A lot of times the lower world looks like a forest or a desert. Those really dense earthy energies are where our power animals are, and the middle world looks like a forest or a desert. Those really dense earthy energies are where our power animals are, and the middle world is the spiritual reflection of this 3D reality, right, that spiritual blueprint that's under everything, because we know that everything is energy. And then we have the upper world, and the upper world is on that far end of this energetic spectrum. So, if we're thinking about that energy spectrum, from those lower, more dense vibrations, to those higher, more ethereal vibrations, the upper world is all the way on this end, and so oftentimes it comes through without shape or without form, because the upper world is entirely energy, it is etheric and divine, and so it tends to manifest in those etheric or energetic forms, like light, and so it tends to manifest in those etheric or energetic forms like light, and so a lot of times people interpret their upper world as clouds or water, or just pure light and orbs that don't really have a lot of shape or form. And so this is part of why going to the upper world can be so much fun, because our brain has to learn how to speak a new energetic language. We're so used to living in this physical 3D reality where everything has a shape and it has heft and weight and form, and when we go into the upper world we're really called to stretch our imaginations, because the upper world doesn't naturally have a lot of form to it. It's very ethereal and open-ended because, again, it's that place of non-duality. There is no softer, hard, lighter, dark. There just is.
Speaker 1:And so, as you're learning this process, your brain may start by trying to make connections to things that it does know. So your brain may interpret this energy like structures of water, cloud, ice. You may also find yourself in places of spiritual significance, so a lot of times it might come through as a temple or a garden and, of course, you might find something completely different. The upper world is different for everybody. It's not like there's one true upper world that everybody sees. But one thing you will find is that we're often going to pass through a barrier. So, just like when we go to the lower world, we find a tunnel down and we go deep into the earth, with the upper world, oftentimes you find like a barrier of clouds or something that you pass through to know that you really ascended into that skyward, divine, etheric energy.
Speaker 1:And so my biggest encouragement to you guys this evening, as we go on this journey together, is to keep your mind open, try and let those expectations go and know that if you get to the upper world and you're looking around, thinking there's nothing here, it's just light, you're in the upper world.
Speaker 1:That is the upper world. It's just that our brains often don't have the context with which to give us a clear vision, and so that's part of our practice tonight. The more you go to the upper world, the more you connect with your spirit guide, the more clear it becomes as your brain starts to learn what's happening and learn how to interpret it. But think about if you guys ever had to take a language class in high school and there's that moment where you look at the textbook and think to yourself I don't know any of these words. I know they're words, but I don't know what they are. It's totally okay if going to the upper world feels the same way, because you're learning how to speak the language of spirit, and so always coming back to that gratitude for knowing what an amazing gift it is that we have this opportunity to be able to meet with the divine, to be able to journey to the upper world and to be able to start this process of learning how to connect.
Speaker 2:So what is a spirit guide? A spirit guide is a guardian, a spirit from the upper world whose primary purpose is to help guide you along your life's path, offer wisdom and insight and to keep you true to your soul contracts. These spirits are different from guardian angels or ancestors, and, although there is sometimes an overlap, spirits can show up in a human form, but may also show up in ethereal form light, orbs or energy and you can request that they show up in a human form. So for tonight, setting the intention that you're in a journey to the upper world and to meet your spirit guide in human form and this is done so that your mind can grasp what you're seeing, like, as Bill is explaining, when you get to the upper world you might just see light, you might see orbs, you might see energy, but when you set the intention and you're asking them to reveal themselves in a human form, this is so that your brain can connect to what it is that you're seeing, and if that doesn't happen, that's okay.
Speaker 2:Knowing that you are in the upper world is allowing you to at least connect to the frequency of spirit and to connect to that higher frequency that we're not always experiencing here.
Speaker 2:We're very dense in our energy here, very dense in our frequency, and so rising up can literally feel as if you are lifting up through the meditation and then going through that layer, that barrier that's going to raise you, take you into that upper world and then, when you're looking around, noticing what you see, tuning into your senses and knowing that when your guide does show up, that that's your primary guide, that has been with you since birth and that you have contracted with this particular spirit, this guide, to be with you throughout your life, your journey, to make sure that you're on the path that you're meant to, if you haven't met your power or your spirit guide yet to really start that connection with them, to give them permission and ask them to come in and to help you through life, because we actually have to ask them and invite them in to help us.
Speaker 2:Otherwise they kind of free will and all the things are just kind of waiting, you know, and they're there in support but they can't really help, help us. And so tonight is a great time and great opportunity to invite them in and to ask them for their assistance. If you have anything that you're going through that kind of thing, this is a great way to start that relationship.
Speaker 1:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:And like Chantel said, our spirit guides are really here to keep us true to our soul's purpose. They're here to help us expand in our spirituality, in our soul's path, in ourselves, as much as we possibly can, and so they very much are only going to show up if it's for our greatest and highest good. So if they feel like we're not ready or we have things to learn, or they want us to have more time to get used to this energy of the upper world, they may not show up today, and that's totally okay. There is nothing wrong if you don't see your spirit guide the first time. I knew that I had a Reiki guide for three years before she was comfortable letting me see her. I would work with her in sessions, I would know she was there, but I wasn't allowed to see her for three years because quote I wasn't ready. And that can be a really common narrative with your spirit guide. So know that they have a process. They have this higher knowledge of what our soul's path is and what it's going to take to get us that spiritual connection and expansion that we're meant to have, and so they might show up today. They might not. They might show up as a light orb, they might show up as a human. Keep your mind as open as you can and again step into that trust that this is exactly what you're meant to experience, exactly as you're meant to experience it. And so, like Chantel said, if all that happens tonight is you extend that invitation to the universe, you extend that invitation to your spirit guide and say, hey, I'm ready, I'm here, I'm ready. That's an amazing, amazing step, and it's one that very, very few people get to take.
Speaker 1:So, as always, stepping back into that gratitude for this experience that we're going to have, so I'm going to invite you all to get comfortable. You can lay down, you can sit up, totally up to you. However, you're going to be the most comfortable. But go ahead and get comfy. You can put something over your eyes if you want to. This is also a great time to make sure that you have lessened any distractions that might be in your environment. So putting the dogs outside, telling your husband that you're going to be quiet for a minute, making sure your kiddos know that, you know there's a do not disturb sign on your door, whatever you need to do to make sure that your distractions are away so that we can get ready to journey together. And so, as you're ready, letting your eyes close, and we'll go ahead and start.
Speaker 1:So, starting with a big, deep breath, breathing in through your nose, out through your mouth, in through your nose, out through your nose, out through your mouth, one more, in through your nose, out through your mouth, becoming aware of your physical body, relaxing any muscles that need to be relaxed, dropping your tongue away from the roof of your mouth, unclenching your jaw, relaxing the crease between your eyebrows, letting your shoulders fall away from your ears, relaxing down your arms, your fingers, feeling your breath expand your chest and your belly, relaxing your hips, your legs, your knees, your feet, until you can feel your entire body relaxed into the surface beneath you. And in this state of relaxation, envisioning yourself in a beautiful nature scene, noticing the sky above you and the earth below you, taking in the colors, the shapes, the sounds, noticing what time of day it is. In this vision, in this space, noticing if it's bright or dusky, noticing what sounds you can hear, what animals might be nearby, see if you can notice the texture, feeling the softness of the grass, the crunch of the leaves, the running water, whatever's showing up for you in this beautiful nature scene, allowing yourself to be fully immersed in this experience, bringing your awareness to the sky, noticing the brilliance of the shapes. Are there some clear spots, but also some clouds, beautiful and puffy. Allow yourself to lean into the expansiveness of the sky, noticing how it calls to your heart, feeling as if it were pulling you towards it, almost as if you could fly Fly to meet the sun, moon and stars.
Speaker 1:And as you're feeling this expansion, notice that one of those clouds begins to descend down, down, down from the sky. Notice that as this cloud comes closer, you can see its colors and its textures. Notice that it's shimmering slightly and as it gets closer to you, it expands so that it's just the right size. When it finally lands at your feet, you find that it's solid enough to climb onto, feeling how comfortable it feels to be on top of this cloud, how safe and supported you feel here, noticing how the puffs of the cloud come to meet your body, supporting and cradling you, allowing you to know that you are completely safe.
Speaker 1:And when you're fully comfortable, notice that the cloud begins to rise, rising away from the earth, bringing you up close to the heavens, to the sun, moon and stars that you longed to meet. Notice the clouds journey up and up and up, bringing you with it, bringing you with it, noticing that the higher you float, the more peaceful you feel, the more at rest. Notice how you can feel some excitement and joy, almost as if you were about to meet your best friend, allowing your soul to sing, knowing that it's returning to a space it knows well, an energy that it has connected to for a long, long time, an energy that it has connected to for a long, long time. And as the cloud continues its journey upward, notice that it passes through a large barrier of clouds. You can see and feel and hear the clouds as they pass all around you, moving through them as easily and swiftly as an airplane, and then coming to the other side, noticing that at the top of these clouds there's a doorway or an archway, as if it was waiting for you to come through it. Noticing that this archway is wide, open, inviting you to come in. And then, in front of the archway, there's a small platform, feeling that cloud drift forward and place you on the platform.
Speaker 1:And as you step through the archway, you feel your soul soar, knowing that you are exactly where you're meant to be in this moment. And as you look around you, you know that you've made it to the upper world. You can feel the energy, you can see the light, taking a moment to look around you and notice what the upper world looks like, noticing the colors, colors, noticing if any shapes come forward, noticing how it feels here to be into the upper world, feeling as if you have finally come home, as if you have found the place that your soul has been longing for. And notice here that you can feel a presence in the upper world with you, noticing them just behind you and allowing yourself to turn. And as you turn, you set the intention that your spirit guide has found you, that you are open and ready to connect with them, to receive their energy and their wisdom, them to receive their energy and their wisdom. And in setting this intention, as you turn around, you come face to face with your spirit guide.
Speaker 1:The spirit guide is so overjoyed to find you here in the upper world. Notice that you begin to interact with them. They embrace you or share their energy with you, taking a moment to open yourself to their presence, noticing their energy, knowing that you can ask them to reveal themselves in human form, if that feels right in this moment, or you can allow them to stay in their natural state, allowing your energy to open and noticing here that your spirit guide has wisdom for you. They have something to share with you, perhaps a gift or a message or a feeling. Allowing yourself to be open to receive this blessing from your spirit guide here and now, as they share with you, feeling the warmth spread from your heart, through your entire being, knowing that you have received a beautiful gift.
Speaker 1:Allowing yourself to examine what your spirit guide had for you, asking for clarity about what this gift is meant for, if you feel called, or simply allowing yourself to receive, noticing how you interact with your spirit guide, allowing yourself to walk with them, to move with them, to be with them. However, you feel called for a few moments here, taking in all of your senses in this experience, noticing that you too have a gift for your spirit guide, perhaps a hug or an item or something else. Offering this gift to your spirit guide in gratitude and noticing that, as they receive it, their energy brightens and they radiate joy, so that you're both sharing and receiving gratitude and love in this space, knowing that you are now connected with your spirit guide, whatever form they took, whatever gift you received or gave, knowing that you have forged a connection with this benevolent, powerful member of your spirit team. Taking a moment more to enjoy being in the presence of your spirit guide, feeling the love, wisdom and gratitude radiating all around you, until all you can feel is support and wisdom and compassion and healing. In and through and around you. Everything is love and joy.
Speaker 1:Taking a moment to thank your spirit guide for this experience. Thank them for being with you, for supporting you, for meeting you here and forging this connection, noticing that they begin to guide you gently back toward the archway, that, as you stand perched on the threshold, they offer you one last burst of love and support and you know that you can come back to this space at any point in time to connect and receive. Offering one last moment of gratitude and connection to your spirit guide, you thank them and cross the threshold onto the platform on the other side, where your beautiful, puffy, shimmery cloud is waiting for you. You step onto the cloud and allow yourself to be enveloped, fully supported. As you settle, the cloud begins to move away from the platform and begin drifting down back through the clouds, feeling the wisps as they pass around you, hearing the air move and rustle in your ears as you drift further and further down, passing all the way through the clouds now, and you can see the earth beneath you, the bird's eye view of this beautiful nature scene, knowing that you are completely safe and supported as you drift down and down, coming to meet the earth, feeling a sense of peace and renewal, feeling complete, knowing that everything that was meant to happen in this experience happened, allowing that joy and love to continue radiating through you as the cloud drifts down and down, coming to rest on the earth beneath you, allowing you to turn and step off the cloud, feeling your feet come into contact with the earth, feeling the solidity of the earth beneath you and offering gratitude to the cloud for transporting you safely back to where you belong.
Speaker 1:Seeing the cloud float away and taking a moment of gratitude for yourself for all that you experienced and the beautiful promise of all that is to come, now that you have met your spirit guide as you're in this space, bringing your awareness back to your feet as they rest on the earth, noticing the textures between your toes, between your toes, knowing that your time here is complete, that you have arrived fully, safely, into your body and beginning to bring your awareness to your physical body here, on this earth plane. Noticing your fingers and your toes Beginning to bring gentle movement there, feeling the heaviness of your legs, the strength of your shoulders, feeling how your chest moves with every breath and beginning to awaken to your senses in this time and in this space. Wiggling your fingers and your toes, moving your neck, deepening your breaths, every inhale bringing you back into presence and every exhale awakening your energy Again, inhale, coming all the way back, exhale, increasing your energy and again inhale and exhale and exhale, coming all the way back into this physical, 3d reality. Taking a moment whenever you're ready to sit up, to open your eyes, get a sip of water or tea something that will help ground you back into this physical reality, using one of your senses, whether that's touching the clothes on your body, drinking that warm water or tea, or using your eyes to look around the room and then taking a moment to journal anything that stood out to you. There are some prompts that you can use journaling what you saw, heard, tasted, what things. You still have questions about that. You want to ask later what your top takeaway was taking a deep breath, knowing that everything that happened today was exactly as it meant to be, and taking a moment to thank the spirits from below.
Speaker 1:Thank you for your protection and your wisdom. We thank you, we love you, we honor you. We release you to the spirits from above. Thank you for your presence. Thank you to our spirit guide for being with us in this experience. We thank you, we love you, we honor you. We release you To the spirits of the north with your grounding, your life-sustaining forces. Thank you for keeping us here in this physical reality. We thank you, we love you, we honor you. We release you To the spirits of the west the water, the curiosity. Thank you for reminding us to trust in the flow of life. We thank you, we love you, we honor you. We release you To the spirits of the South the fire, with your passion and purpose.
Speaker 1:Thank you for igniting our path forward in this experience and burning away what no longer serves us. We thank you, we love you, we honor you, we release you. And to the spirits of the east the wind and the rising sun thank you for the promise of new beginnings and new opportunities with every breath. We thank you, we love you, we honor you, we release you. And, finally, to our higher self, thank you for reminding us who we can be when we step beyond our limitations, for showing us a path forward to embodying you more fully. This evening, we thank you, we love you, we honor you, we release you. To all seven directions, thank you. And with these directions, now thanked, acknowledged and honored, we mark our sacred circle as closed and our time together as complete, knowing that we may return to this energy whenever we choose, but that, for now, all that was as it was meant to be. We thank you, we love you, we honor you, we release you and so it is, and so it is.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much for the honor and privilege of your time, for joining with your community tonight and sharing in this amazing energy. We are so grateful for each and every one of you and I hope you have an amazing rest of your evening and of your week and we'll see you on Facebook and on our podcast and everywhere else Sending love everybody, thank you. Thanks for tuning in to today's show. The Wisdom Rising podcast is sponsored by Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcasting app and be the first to know when we release a new episode. You can find us on Instagram, facebook, youtube and TikTok at Moon Rising Institute, or visit our website moonrisinginstitutecom to learn more about our mission and find future opportunities to connect with our community of shamanic mystics. Once again, thank you for sharing space with us today and until next time, may you awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising from within.