Wisdom Rising
Shamanism, Reiki, Spirituality, Personal Development, and More. It’s time to re-member your Divine purpose and limitless potential. Welcome to Wisdom Rising, the official podcast of Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. Join Shamanic Reiki practitioners Christine Renee, Isabel Wells, and Shantel Ochoa as they guide you on a journey of radical self-discovery and spiritual guidance. Each week we dance through the realms of shamanism, mysticism, energy healing, and personal development to illuminate your path to true healing and self-sourced wisdom. Through weekly inspired conversations and interviews with leading spiritual and shamanic practitioners, we’re here to help you acknowledge, reconcile, and balance your energy so that you can awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising within. You can follow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok at MoonRisingInstitute, or visit our website, moonrisinginstitute.com, to learn more about our mission and find future opportunities to connect with our community of Shamanic mystics.
Wisdom Rising
Shantel's Journey to Mysticism: Healing Grief and Autoimmune with Spirit
Shantel Ochoa, a remarkable shamanic Reiki practitioner, joins us to share her journey of consciously grief healing by working through the seven Chakras. Her story begins with childhood spiritual awakenings that set her on a path to connecting with the spiritual realm. We learn how the loss of her father and later her son profoundly impacted her, leading her on a journey of emotional healing and transformation. Shantel’s narrative is not just one of survival but of turning pain into a profound purpose, using her experiences to guide others in their healing journeys through energy work and shamanism.
Through this episode, we explore the healing power of the chakra system, particularly in times of grief and identity crisis. Shantel lends her wisdom on how moving through the Chakras can help process deep emotional wounds and discover new truths about oneself. Her insights on the balance between control and surrender resonate deeply, particularly when facing life-altering diagnoses like autoimmune conditions. Our conversation underscores the importance of conscious grieving and how it can lead to a more authentic connection with one's soul purpose, offering listeners a roadmap to align with their true selves.
We also delve into Shantel's evolution from a conventional career to fully embracing her calling in shamanic work. Her tale of transitioning from a sign language interpreter to a healer is both touching and transformative, highlighting the unexpected paths that Reiki and shamanism can open. Shantel’s adaptability and ingenuity shine through as she shares her expansion into spiritual businesses, both in-person and online. With insights on intuition and the creation of personal spiritual kits, Shantel's journey serves as a powerful testament to following one's intuition and embracing one's mystical potential. Join us as we uncover Shantel's path to healing and empowerment, offering inspiration for those seeking to transform their lives.
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Book a FREE 10 minute connect call with Christine: https://calendly.com/christinerenee/10-minute-connect-call-srpt
It's time to remember your divine purpose and limitless potential. Welcome to Wisdom Rising, the official podcast of Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. Join shamanic Reiki practitioners Christine Rene, isabel Wells and Chantel Ochoa as we guide you on a journey of radical self-discovery and spiritual guidance. Each week, we'll dance through the realms of shamanism, mysticism, energy, healing and personal development to illuminate your path to true healing and self-sourced wisdom Through weekly inspired conversations and interviews with leading spiritual and shamanic practitioners. We are here to help you acknowledge, reconcile and balance your energy so that you can awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising from within.
Speaker 2:Welcome back to another episode of Wisdom Rising. I'm excited we're doing something a little bit different. These Fridays we're doing a series of interviews for our Moon Rising Shamanic Institute team, and today I'll be interviewing one of my fave peoples in the whole world, chantel Ochoa, because we want you to really know who we are, what our story is, so that we can connect with you on a more personal, deeper, emotionally energetic levels. So welcome to the show, chantel. Thanks for coming on and letting me interview you.
Speaker 3:Thank you, I love this. I think it's really important that we're doing this so people can get to know us on a deeper level, on a more personal level, connect to us in that way. So I think this is a great idea that we're putting forward.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm excited, well, and I feel like every time we share our stories, new little pieces come out. I feel like if you would have heard an interview of this three years ago, it would have been very different. Like if you would have heard an interview of this three years ago, it would have been very different. And or even last year. Like I feel like we, as we work on ourselves and our healing journeys and continue to do the work, like we have our own aha moments of how they get to unfold, and so it's really a beautiful practice to keep rechecking in on where we are today and where the story is at Right. But I want to I want to go evolving.
Speaker 2:We're ever evolving, exactly so I'd love to go back to the beginning of what your story is like where. Where's the beginning for you? What does that look like? And just kind of kick us off.
Speaker 3:Well, it feels like so many years ago, lifetimes ago. Okay, so my spiritual journey actually started when I was a child. My father was in an accident when I was four, in a motorcycle accident, and he transitioned, and so in that moment I realized at a very young age that life wasn't safe and that there was different elements to our world, and so I was able to connect with him in spirit, or I always felt I was in connection with him in spirit, and so from that point on, I wasn't quote unquote asleep, and so I just always knew there was different things and energy and stuff around me. And then, as I grew up and went through being a trauma child and a wounded child and all of that, and going through my experiences of what that looked like and how to emotionally process my which I was really poor at for a very, very long time- so, from that just walking that journey.
Speaker 3:And then later I, my son, was in an accident 11 years ago and he transitioned, and so, as a grieving mother, I went through the process then of really walking through what death meant, what our purpose here in life is Just kind of go ahead. I don't know if you have questions.
Speaker 2:I do. I mean, part of it is like what I caught was is that early on, it was hard for you to process emotions. And then you had this huge tragic event where what I know is that really is where you started process emotions. And then you had this huge tragic event where what I know is that really is where you started processing emotions. You were on the path of learning how to process grief. Was that? That was at the turning point of like, okay, I had anger, I had these emotions and I stuffed them down and now, now I have to, I have to do the work.
Speaker 3:I had to. Yeah, I did, and so when I started realizing what grief really looked like and what it meant and how it is just a transitioning point for us as well. It's an opportunity of healing, because it really like strips us away and so I did I started learning how to go through my process of emotions and how to communicate differently and to show up differently. So as that was happening then, I was then diagnosed with an autoimmune which got me to the point of Reiki and how I became an energy healer and went from my career as a sign language interpreter for 24 years into being a practitioner and a teacher of energy healing and Reiki and a shamanic practitioner and brought me to you and everywhere we are right now. So it's been a lot of trauma moments, but it's been the alchemist of my walk and how I've been changing. So it's the catalyst to help me to alchemize my own self.
Speaker 2:Well and I think I recognize this and all of our team members stories like really heavy trauma. We get an autoimmune, we do the healing work, we are healed, we reverse that autoimmune and then we go teach other people Like that totally is that's the common thread of everyone at the moon rising shamanic Institute team. But I'd love to dive in a little bit deeper in that Like like. I would love to know how it went from. Like, where did it go from? Okay, I'm working on healing my emotions and where was the connection to your grief? Where was the connection to the autoimmune and how it showed up in your world and in your body with emotions that you were trying to alchemize?
Speaker 3:your body with emotions, that you were trying to alchemize. It wasn't until I was diagnosed with MS that that is when everything really came like all the full picture really started coming together and that's when I really surrendered to. I can't do this my way. I have to follow divine intervention, I have to follow my soul guidance and I think, because I was walking such a grief driven and I didn't realize that I can say that now Then I was just kind of on my own. I was in survival mode. I just felt like I needed to always be on top of everything and in control and it's like all of that.
Speaker 3:And so what happened was is when I was going through the healing of being diagnosed, which I can say I have.
Speaker 3:I'm five years out and I've been symptomatic for free for five years. So I'm like I claim that I have healed this because I've done all of the work within myself, and so it really is me recognizing that I was a grieving child that stuffed down a lot of emotions and didn't know how to process it. I didn't know what it looked like to process it and I didn't have the example of healed adults in my world, you know, really to say, okay, that is an example that I can pull on. So for me it was just surrendering to it and really doing the work from there. What did it look like to be a conscious griever? What did it look like to walk a healing path, to change my diet, to change my mindset, to release my limiting beliefs, any conditionings that I had in the past, and to just change who I was like? Who I am today is a completely different version of myself than I was five, six years ago.
Speaker 2:Right, right, and so I'm wondering if there was a specific practice that you kind of latched on to what was like that. If there was a specific practice that you kind of latched onto what was like, that healing tool that you were using to process the emotions was or was it just allowing yourself to feel it Like? What was that like and how did your, how did your symptoms of MS start to be redefined and like? I'd love for you to talk about that and also your identity, because I know for you that's a huge piece of the healing MS part.
Speaker 3:So through that process, what I did is I learned to identify with healing and what being a healed person looks like versus being a sick and diseased person looks like. And so I, once I recognize that there's a two like timelines, so to speak, two ways of energetically, energetically connecting to a diagnosis or an illness, is when you connect to the conscious level of healing and health. You walk that walk, you become that, you embody that. So, like I said, you do, you eat different, you. You exercise differently, you embody that. So, like I said, you do you eat different, you exercise differently. You move your body differently.
Speaker 3:Your emotions, your thoughts, your processes are completely different versus when you are connecting to what illness and diagnoses and all of that is, you tend to be more giving away your power to the doctor. You give it away to what the prognosis is and if you're told, hey, you have a disease that will never be healed, it's incurable, and you accept that as your truth, then that literally becomes your truth. So everything in your body is going to respond to I will never be healed. Therefore, I have to deplete and just start to disintegrate as a body, as a person, versus. No, I take my power back from that and I am that's not my story.
Speaker 3:So, since I claim that was not my story, I had to create a new story for myself and that was to heal myself, which also became like me connecting to other people, and I think that's where my heart opened up in a different way and I was more compassionate to other people's stories and connecting to them and I was relatable to them because I've gone through so much that it wasn't like they were coming to me for healing and I'm like, oh, I've never experienced that. You know, it was like, yeah, been there, let's work on this. That you know. It was like, yeah, been there, let's work on this. And so really being able to be open to people and their stories and then mentoring them, it just helped to reshape who I was and who I am.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's kind of a bit of empathetic training from divine, right. Yeah, I've been there, I've done that that. That dished out. Here's your empathy training 101, right, I've been there, I've done that that. That dished out, here's your empathy training one-on-one, right. And so you're in the process of like really owning your healing journey, your healing story, your feeling empowered in that process. You're working through the emotions of grief, of losing your son, and when did Reiki show up for you?
Speaker 3:And when did Reiki show up for you? Right after the diagnosis. So there's about. So I'm going on 11 years, so five years, like a nine-year distance difference between my son and MS, and so in that space of time I was learning how to be a conscious griever, which is a completely different way of grieving than the traditional way of grieving. So with that, it's moving through our chakra system and going from just being completely in shock and shut down, which starts in our heart chakra, and then moving through all of them systematically, but knowing there's a flow, okay, but in the end of it you come out in your solar plexus and you're you're able to step back into your power as a person on this planet that still has a mission and purpose and we still have life to live and um go ahead.
Speaker 2:I want you to walk me through it. I want you to, I want you to dive in. I want you to give me the details of like here's a strategy that you used to heal grief, and here's the step by step method, because you've mastered it and I know you have helped numerous, numerous others. Clients and students do the same, and I want you to share that with our audience.
Speaker 3:Okay, okay. So when you first are initially and this came to me through my own guidance and a seven years that I actually lived through this process so when we initially have a loss in our family, our loved one, our husband, a child, right, we go through this whole physical shock, our everything shuts down, our nervous system shuts down, and so that is when we're in our heart, our heartbreaks. We literally have a heartbreak that occurs, an energetic heartbreak, a physical heartbreak, and you know, for me I felt like I died in that moment with my son and so, but yet I'm still living. So I went into my heart and then from my heart then it goes into. For me, it was then my sacral because it was my mother's wound. Now I'm like a grieving mother. This is my child and all of the identities and expectations and plans that I had for my son, for myself. You know he was only 16. So it was like who is he going to marry? Who's he going to become? So all of those future plans were done and then, as a mom, there was a lot of guilt and a lot of blame, like could I have stopped it? Could I have saved him? And it wasn't anything I could have done any different.
Speaker 3:So from sacral then it goes into root, and root is now you're creating a new foundation for yourself. Now, if it's, um, you're a, a wife or a husband and you lost your spouse a lot of times, you lose an income, right. So now there's this income based like can I survive on one income, can I pay all my bills and keep my house, can I support my family? If, if it's like for me as a mother, it was a foundation? Now as a mom, you know, now I went from three kids to two kids. So how do I identify myself with still having three children? But I only have two living children, right? So that's re-identifying that. When do I speak of my son? When do I hold back, and do I hold back kind of thing? So it's this whole re-identity as a mother to still honor him in my life.
Speaker 3:So then from there it's throat. Now you're speaking from your new truth. How did the person transition? How did they die? How did you feel? All of those things.
Speaker 3:And within that throat chakra, there's a lot of truth that comes out of that Cause. What I find is a lot of times is we tend to victimize the dead by how they died. So we'll be like, oh my gosh, they, this happened. Like my son, he was an accident, okay. So then we're going to speak about the way they died in a way that victimizes them, but that also victimizes ourselves, because we can't release it.
Speaker 3:Death there's never really glory in death, right, I mean it's always going to be a tragic way of going, but we can look at it in a different way. But the way we speak of it and we use our throat chakra and speak, our truth shows up. So there's this balancing, this new way of speaking of our truth, and from there it goes into the third eye, the third eye. Then you start to have a different awareness because now there's some healing that has come through.
Speaker 3:When you start getting into your third eye, you start to look at grief and death in a different way. You start having that bigger picture, but not quite the biggest picture yet, but you're starting to have a bigger picture of why this is happening. You start to have this soul understanding. You start to um honor their purpose and their soul journey, as well as honoring your own purpose, still living life. And then you get into the crown chakra point of view where you're really seeing that bigger picture of what birth and death and the life, the journey of life is.
Speaker 3:And when you get to that point you can see into soul contracts, you can start to understand there is a soul agreement between you and the person that transitioned that you know they needed to go for their own soul journey, but it also helps you in your own and then from there you step into your solar plexus, which is your personal power, so you re-identify, through all of these processes of your chakras and emotions and everything into your own soul purpose and to truly be able to that when he transitioned, that was a big part of my agreement to continue, so that I can now help people, be conscious grievers, and to step into the Reiki practice and become a healing practitioner and all of that.
Speaker 3:But there was still the extra additional part of I needed to have that diagnosis to then really get me there. And so yeah, and you can use this in the sense of grief, even with illnesses, not just the loss of someone. It's a loss of identity, it's a loss of life and love and all the things. But it really is a cycle of going through our chakras that help us to re-identify ourself in each one.
Speaker 2:I love that. I love that Well, one that it came through as a very powerful download of, like this is how you heal yourself. And then it gave you the roadmap to help others in their journey and their process and that you know it's so often, especially as healers, that we have to be pushed to our limit and our own healing journey and going. I'm willing and ready to surrender to what needs to come through and then do the work, and that's what I feel here. You exemplifying and I'm wondering like at where is the timeline? And you healing your MS as you're going through this conscious grief, really technique, modality.
Speaker 3:I believe, when that showed up, because MS is all about the brain. That's when I realized this, this stubbornness that I had in. Still, I want control. And that's how I see that Like no, you're not going to have control, you don't have control like that, not to the degree that we all think we do, like we can control the outcome. No, you have to surrender to the outcome.
Speaker 3:And you have to surrender to like, even when we're like manifesting and we're growing, we're developing as people or whatever it is, there's still a level of surrendering that we have to do.
Speaker 3:There's still this sole purpose and if we step off of it which is what I was doing, I was stepping off of and out of my purpose it's like, well then, here, let's throw that in there and we're going to realign you. And at that point then that's when I was like, okay, I do, I fully surrender. So now, when certain things come into my life, one I've learned how to deal with them. So even if I have an emotional response to it or I'm feeling sad or depleted or any of that, it's my processes are a lot faster, like, I'm faster with it. But also I'm like, okay, I see it for what it is and I'm willing to take that on. You know, like I just have, like my saying is if I could, if I planned it there, I can heal through it here and I live by that I'm like say it again, Cause I did a good one.
Speaker 2:I love this one.
Speaker 3:If I could plan it there, then I can heal through it here. Meaning, if I planned it on a soul level, I know, then I have the strength to heal that through that and work through that, because otherwise I wouldn't have planned it on a soul level. I know, then I have the strength to heal that through that and work through that, because otherwise I wouldn't have planned it. You know, and so I do, I've walked that walk and that's just where I'm at now. Now, 1015 years ago I wouldn't have thought like that, but I do now and it's actually really powerful.
Speaker 2:Well, it always gives me goosebumps Every time I hear you say I'm, I'm like hell yeah, like, of course, that's the way it works, right and so, and I love that real beautiful crown chakra point of view and I think that's where the ultimate healing is taking place, whether it's in this conscious grieving process or any other area of our life of going.
Speaker 2:Look, we've planned it out this way, like, and and I have seen you walk through this availability of surrender Like I remember you when you started with us, when we were Reiki Cafe University of, like, you were doing all of the things. You were trying to develop your in-person practice and you were doing our course work and you were working a full-time job and, like, then you started taking on the apprenticeship role and, like it was so full and I was like, I don't know how you're doing it, but you're doing it. I would love for you to tell us how the Reiki led you into that journey process and when, like, the shamanic stuff started coming on board. Like, tell us a little bit about how you found me and and how, how that journey has gone.
Speaker 3:Okay, so, um, okay so immediately when I was diagnosed. So this is how this all started was, um, I went to the doctor, didn't like what he had to throw to his prognosis and everything for me and I was like, no, that doesn't work. So I went on the hunt of self-healing and then Reiki came into my life. Like I heard it. A friend of mine. She said I think I'm going to go have a Reiki session. I'm like what is that? And then the moment I heard it, I was like that's it, that's it. I was like everything in me sparked up and so I found a Reiki master and this was like around I think we were in COVID, so 2020-ish. And so I did my level one and two immediately and master. So I was at a master level within six to seven months. It was really really fast, but I was guided to move very fast. It was really really fast, but I was guided to move very fast. And so the moment I my agenda, my whole purpose, was for self-healing. I had no clue all of this, you know, I always say Reiki has its own agenda. So whatever your purpose is with Reiki, it's going to show up for you Whether that's for you to do self-healing, whether that's to heal your family or to have your own practice. It's already in alignment, it's just out there, just waiting.
Speaker 3:And so I remember one of my first clients. I was doing some work on her and I started pulling out all this stuff and I was like, what am I doing? What am I seeing? And then when I went to my master the master teacher at the time, she and she's a beautiful woman and is amazing at what she does, but her approach with it was a lot different. And so I was like, okay, you know.
Speaker 3:And so one day I was on Facebook and you just showed up. You were there and there was some webinar you were doing and you were answering all the questions that I had and we hadn't even talked. You were just having a conversation and talking about energy releasing and stuff and whatever. And so I messaged you. I was like, hey, what do you got going on Because you're answering my questions. And you said, actually we're getting ready to start this program and it was the first one I think you did and I wasn't ready right then and I joined the next one, which was the SRPT program at the time, yeah, before we developed soul rising, we had this six month program that you had to be at least a level two for it.
Speaker 2:This wasn't a self-healing program, this was it included, self-healing. But really it was meant to be become a practitioner and and that's why we needed to kind of revamp it into these four month programs called soul rising. But, yeah, you totally stepped in and you just embraced all of it.
Speaker 3:All of it. It lit me up from the inside out. I had a soul remembering of myself and who we are. And energetically we are this energy. We all have this, the ability to step into this version of ourself. Everyone does. We're all intuitive, we all can connect to nature. We can all be, you know, connecting to our energy bodies. It's just we go through this like soul amnesia when we come into life and with that we forget everything and we have to remember who we are. And it really is an invitation for people to go and connect and to remember that we are expansive beings and bodies.
Speaker 3:And so when I was going through the program, that's exactly what I was doing and learning how to do a lot of my personal healing. And so that's when a lot of my awarenesses and my ahas of self came through as like, oh, you are your. I was my own enemy, my own saboteur and my own, you know, like the victim of things. And here I felt so empowered in my walk, yet not really recognizing that I was the one that was sabotaging my own self, but yet very successful in things I did. But it was more my personal talk and personal relationships. I was struggling.
Speaker 3:In that I ended up being able to heal and work with Um. So towards the end of that graduation, then you and Isabel messaged me and called me and said, hey, we want to offer you this apprenticeship, which then I did that for the next year and a half. I think it was yeah Cause. Then I went through the advanced, I went through the coaching program, so I ended up taking them all and then at the end of that, when you and I were in Costa Rica and you're like, okay, how about we get you on the books? And now you come on as a soul riser, rising instructor, and and yeah, yeah, and here we are.
Speaker 2:I love your story.
Speaker 2:Like, when I think back from the beginning, like it seemed so natural to you, like every like you're, I feel like you're born a mystic, like the, the spiritual gifts that were coming on board for you during that time seems so natural, seems so easy, seems so like in alignment.
Speaker 2:And you know, it's not like we have a small team, it's just the three of us. It's not like I'm uh, you know, it's not like we have a small team, it's just the three of us. It's not like I'm uh, you know, go through a lot of apprentices. It's very much like divine picks them out and places them in front of me and like here's the next teacher and I'm like, yeah, this will be good, right, and I. I just remember you like being in class, we, your first, your first shamanic journey class and there being about probably 10 students in that class and it just being this huge deep dive into like, like what your journey was like for the very first one was something I would normally see in advanced class and I was like, oh, this, this is what you said, you're like, well, that that's really advanced work.
Speaker 3:Cause I was like eaten by my power animal, like this whole thing occurred, and you're like, wow, that's really advanced work. And it was like, oh OK, because I at that point had no idea, like what it was I was actually doing and seeing. I just knew that I had this huge snake eating me. I had this huge snake eating me and you know the journey I had to do to go through its belly, which was literally like energetically and everything was my death and rebirth, exactly, and that's what it was. And so I just didn't know it going into it. But once I the more I learned and practice and now understand, it's like wow, they are very profound. And now understand, it's like wow, they are very profound. And literally it was just the push of like, yeah, divine intervention, this is it, go do it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely Okay. So let let us know about how you went from juggling all of these things Like you were doing the apprenticeship, you're taking all of these courses, you're working full time, you were still like wife and grandma and all of these things like like your life was really full. And when did you say you know I'm pivoting into really embodying teacher and practitioner and tell us about that journey of how you started your in person practice.
Speaker 3:Okay, so the in person practice I started, I think I came to you and I was already in person, but it continued to grow. So what ended up happening at some point is I ended up getting my shop. I have my home-based room and I do healing here, but I actually have a space at our spiritual center here in my town and so I was guided there because I did a women's retreat and a woman was like you need to meet this lady and go and check it out, and I did, and so ever since then I've just been guided to continue to build myself and to work with people, and so I enjoy being doing in person. I like that hands on with people and I like to add in different modalities and sound tools and the drumming and all this stuff, but it's really having that heart to heart connection with people that I enjoy, and then also being like I do distance and everything too, and which I find so profound, because in person versus and it's all shamanic work versus and it's all shamanic work.
Speaker 3:But when you do distance shamanic journey, it's like I journey through their body and their energy field and I can tap in really fast. So it's like almost a completely different session than in person. Yet I'm still doing that work. But it's like you've got the hands on energy, which is, and it's just interesting. But, um, yeah, I just love it. It just really is. It's just what I'm here to do.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but tell me a little bit about how, what it took to get you to quit your job, your day job.
Speaker 3:Oh man. So my son? He was born deaf, the one that transitioned, and literally he was like my sage in life. So he was born deaf and I learned ASL and became a certified interpreter to learn to communicate with him. But it became my career and it's just an amazing career and amazing job to have as well, to be able to be in service to the deaf community, and I worked with deaf children and so, as an educational interpreter, and I one was having a struggle of am I releasing my son If I release my job. There was a lot of emotion with it. Plus, and it's how can I? I felt like I was abandoning the deaf community if I was to fully embody this version of my life. And, um, so I did.
Speaker 3:I. I took some time off and then, officially, I resigned from my position. And then my boss was like you know, you don't actually have to resign, and this is current, you do not have to resign, just take jobs here and there. And I was like, oh, and then she goes, but I want to, I'm interested in what you do. So she ended up becoming a client and I work with her weekly now.
Speaker 2:I love that.
Speaker 3:And and and it and my position's just there, you know, and I'm like, okay, and, and, at some point I'll figure that part out.
Speaker 3:I just think that it's an opening for me to somehow envelop and work with the deaf community in this as well. But for now, I'm just embracing that, I'm growing in my business and where I'm at and here and with you guys and online and everything. So I'm just kind of in the flow of what is, which is really nice, yeah, and yeah, because even right now, it's like December is kind of I've all my messages and I read, I read, I'm a reader, so I do tarot and Oracle readings, and which has been a huge part of my practice as well, and so I'll do readings for myself and it's like why are things slowing down? It's like because it's time for you to kind of get 2025 figured out, like set up your programs and what you want to do for 2025. Take this time this month and I'm like, oh, okay, and so that's what I'm doing, I'm listening, I listen to my intuition and, and that's huge.
Speaker 2:Well, it's the perfect time of the year to do that. This is the time of year to slow down and self-reflect as we go into solstice. Energy Like this is the darkest days, so like that sounds like of course. Of course you're supposed to slow down, and I've also seen your business grow incredibly. You know, like I I I know that you aren't really doing any more of the ASL work, but I also see you like you're juggling what you're doing with our students here at Moon Rising Shamanic Institute with your in-person practice and all the new moon ceremonies and full moon ceremonies and other workshops that are going on in the spiritual center, and like you've got it going on. And I just am like, so it's been such a beautiful thing to witness Not only someone who has the capacity to grow in an in-person practice but online, and that's I feel like that's so rare for someone to do both and you've got it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, actually, as you mentioned that, like yeah, so I do. I do the new moon moon ceremonies. I facilitate a conscious grieving group. I have my in-person practice. I'm a part of the um, the team there, so I'm one of the primary people that makes sure that things are working and, you know, in order and we're um, I'm getting ready to activate, like some DIYs once a month.
Speaker 3:So so doing spiritual, personal, spiritual kits where people come in and they learn and they build and create, whether it's learning how to smudge themselves and they have a burning bowl, whether it's creating a money bowl. So there's different things every month. February we're doing I'm going to do pendulum dowsing, so it's, you know, I just allow the creative juices to flow and that space gives me the in person ability to do pendulum dowsing. So it's, you know, I just allow the creative juices to flow and that space gives me the in-person ability to do it, because I would love to do that online but it's kind of hard when you have things you got to purchase, but just the teachings, and so I like both of it. Yeah, I love that.
Speaker 2:And so, if you're listening, know that Chantel, yes, she's taking clients, I think I can safely say that. So if you want listening, know that Chantel, yes, she's taking clients, I think I can safely say that. So if you want to reach out and have a reading, one of my favorite readings from Chantel is not only the Oracle, because, oh my gosh, she's so powerful, but also the? Um, the readings for your archetypes. That is super, super cool.
Speaker 2:I love Chantel's work with the archetypes. It really was profound healing for myself and my own healing journey over the last like six, nine months, like having that reading done. It's still informing me. It's still informing me and my healing journey. So I love that. So don't forget about that too, and know that she is on our main team to support us in our soul rising um shamanic Reiki self-healing program. So that's starting January 26th and that really is going through this four month program to not only do the deep personal self-healing work, and so she's our grief expert, obviously, and she's also so good on those uh, lots of different emotional and spiritual levels of how to really find your own personal flow and develop your own personal practice and find your own personal self-care rituals, like she's. Like she's our gal and with that in that program we're also learning how to shamanic journey and she's super solid there as well.
Speaker 2:And so I'm like we're so grateful that Chantel's on the team and that she gets to share her beautiful gifts as a mystic. That's what we kind of call her over here at Moon Rising Shamanic Institute is that Chantel is our mystic and it's, and it really is because that there's such a clarity of channeling and how she moves through that energy, whether it's with a deck or with, uh, like just downloads and like all of the things. So it's just been such a beautiful journey to have witnessed Chantel over the last, probably like three years now I'd say a little more than that but yeah, yeah, like it's been, it's been awesome, it's been an awesome ride, and just cannot wait to see what is coming on your horizon, knowing that, like you're in that self-reflective phase, anything coming through as of yet of what 2025 is going to look for you.
Speaker 3:There's a few things I'm looking at, really like putting together an in-person program of where I want to bring together a workshop for people that are going to kind of encompass all the things that I've learned, you know, but really embodying the divine feminine and really diving deep into our healing, but in a fun, tangible way too, of connecting with different things, getting out into nature, doing stuff like that. So there are some things coming up that I'm loving and connecting with and I feel like I'm gonna do some connections with people in town that I'm looking forward to. Yeah, camaraderie and yeah, collaboration.
Speaker 2:I love it. I love it. So, as we ask all of our guests here on our Wis wisdom rising podcast, what's the best way for people to connect with you if they would like to book a session or work with you? What does that look like?
Speaker 3:Um, well, I'm like working on getting a website up, so everything I've done, too, is all word of mouth, which is really interesting. But you can email me at reiki7pointhealing at gmailcom, and from there you'll get my personal contact info. I do everything like that. Right now. You can DM me, you know, personally message me too, and so, but email right now is probably the best bet, yeah, until I, unless I get you a link and then you can attach that and then everyone can go through.
Speaker 3:But here at Moon Rising, connect with me here, like join us, come watch us, be a part of it. We have so many things going on that we offer and I love it. I love what we have, what we're doing, what we offer, all of the freebies and then what we do in class is just so profound. It really is. I have people in my local community that are they started as my clients, became my students, and now they're my students here at the Moon Rising and Soul Rising, and I absolutely love it. And watching them change and grow and evolve in their own walk, it's pretty amazing. It really is so powerful. It is it their own walk. It's pretty amazing. It really is so powerful.
Speaker 2:It is, it's so powerful, it's so powerful and we get to just celebrate them, and that's what I love.
Speaker 3:That's probably my most favorite thing is celebrating them in their journey, work and watching them come like fully bloom into their own self and remember who they are. It's just like yeah. It's so juicy and so sweet and just like yeah empowering.
Speaker 2:I love it. I love it Well, thank you, thank you. Thank you, thank you for being a part of Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. I know it's all been divinely directed. Yeah, it all has been definitely divinely directed. I feel like we have a sisterhood here going on, and I love when we like we met for the first time in Costa Rica back in January and then we saw each other again, all three of us as a team last summer of 2024. And it's just, it's amazing to me to watch our, our group, our little team, go from like we see each other every single week on zoom calls, right, like we were zooming it and we're totally zooming it. And then when we get together and be like, oh yeah, it's totally the same energy, like, like it's so fun to witness that. You know, the electronic isn't something that is getting in the way. It's actually a way to feel in deeper, like I, I, I love it. I love that that this is a possibility in our culture and our society, now that we have access. We have access Like.
Speaker 2:There's a lot of people who think that like, oh, we can't have that deep spiritual connection in an online space, and I'm like, oh, yeah, you can Like, I remember you totally can Like. I feel like when I see you guys in person and I'm like, oh yeah, you can Like, I remember you totally can Like. I feel like when I see you guys in person, it's like you're the exact same person I expected, like there is no mystery or mask. It's like, yeah, these are my besties, these are my besties and there's no surprises when we get together. It's like I love traveling to your house over the summer and really getting to know you and your partner and your family and the space at the spiritual center there and it's just like. It's so real Like and I feel like I wish people would really trust that Like what you see on camera, what you hear in our podcast, it's the real us, it's like honestly.
Speaker 2:Oftentimes I feel like this is the most authentic version of us, because we get to share from our heart, from our soul, our stories, our wisdom, and we just want to say thank you so much for listening, because we wouldn't be where we are if it wasn't for you. You know we just hit 13,000 subscribers on our YouTube channel. We're over a hundred and 120,000 downloads on our podcast and I just got a memory show up on my phone from three years ago saying we hit 7,000 on the podcast, and now I'm like, oh wow, we do that like often. You know 7,000 is not a big number, but 120,000 is. And so I just want to say thank you so much for listening, thank you so much for participating, and we invite you to take the next step on your journey.
Speaker 2:Join us for soul rising and really allow yourself to surrender, the way Chantel did, and trust that this is divinely orchestrated, that you can trust your calling. If you have the calling, listen to it, jump on a call with us. We're happy to support you in those next healing steps. So, thank you so much, chantel. We're happy to support you in those next healing steps.
Speaker 3:So thank you so much, chantel. Absolutely, it's been a beautiful journey for sure, and I totally invite everyone come and join us. We create beautiful energy here, we create sacred spaces here and you can definitely step in and surrender and find the true you and reconnect to you, and it's an invitation Come, come and join us. So absolutely.
Speaker 2:Until next time, may you awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising from within.
Speaker 1:Thanks for tuning in to today's show. The Wisdom Rising podcast is sponsored by Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcasting app and be the first to know when we release a new episode. You can find us on Instagram, facebook, youtube and TikTok at Moon Rising Institute, or visit our website, moonrisinginstitutecom to learn more about our mission and find future opportunities to connect with our community of shamanic mystics. Once again, thank you for sharing space with us today and until next time, may you awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising from within.