Wisdom Rising
Shamanism, Reiki, Spirituality, Personal Development, and More. It’s time to re-member your Divine purpose and limitless potential. Welcome to Wisdom Rising, the official podcast of Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. Join Shamanic Reiki practitioners Christine Renee, Isabel Wells, and Shantel Ochoa as they guide you on a journey of radical self-discovery and spiritual guidance. Each week we dance through the realms of shamanism, mysticism, energy healing, and personal development to illuminate your path to true healing and self-sourced wisdom. Through weekly inspired conversations and interviews with leading spiritual and shamanic practitioners, we’re here to help you acknowledge, reconcile, and balance your energy so that you can awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising within. You can follow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok at MoonRisingInstitute, or visit our website, moonrisinginstitute.com, to learn more about our mission and find future opportunities to connect with our community of Shamanic mystics.
Wisdom Rising
Everyone Deserves to Heal. Vulnerable Conversation + Chakra Spinning Experience!
Join us for a unique, inspiring, two-part episode. In the first half of today's episode, join Isabel Wells and Christine Renee for an open, candid conversation about:
- The energetic shifts that we've been experiencing individually and in the collective
- The message of hope and inspiration we've received
- Why we've re-evaluated our purpose and mission here on Earth
- How we're bringing that through Moon Rising
- Why we truly believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to heal
- Why we think the world would be a very different place if everyone knew how to connect to Nature, Spirit, and Themselves
- And more.
This conversation isn't our usual exploration of a spiritual topic. It's our intention to step forward with open hearts and open minds to share what we've been feeling lately, and why we do the work that we do for ourselves and our students, and why we show up through Moon Rising Institute to bring this work and this light into the world.
To help ground this healing and insight in, the second half of today's episode guides you through the Shamanic technique for chakra spinning. This is one of our favorite techniques to share with our students as a tangible, easy way to balance and heal your chakras. Hear an explanation of the Shamanic perspective of the chakras, then experience a guided meditation experience to learn how to spin your Chakras and bring this spiritual tool into your own healing toolkit.
This is a thought-provoking, authentic, open, inspiring, educational podcast episode, but it is a long one. Feel free to take pauses whenever you need and come back to this episode whenever you're ready, knowing that it's here to support you and that we're here to support you!
Youtube Companions to today's episode:
Part One: https://youtu.be/6wK0EheyyZI
Part Two: https://youtu.be/xIrNkj8rszo
Inner Child Healing Workshop Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/G9BNiRx4RTyYWKoHGKTatw
Guided Shamanic Journey through the Chakras Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/L33lSdw0QMCXvKR62JoY6Q
Moon Rising Shamanic Institute Links:
Website: https://moonrisinginstitute.com/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/moonrisinginstitute
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/moonrisingmystics
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moonrising.institute
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@moonrisinginstitute
Book a session with Isabel: https://calendly.com/into-the-deep/schedule
Book a FREE 15 minute connect call with Izzy: https://calendly.com/moonrisinginstitute/connect
Book a session with Christine: https://calendly.com/christinerenee/90-minutes-intensive
Book a FREE 10 minute connect call with Christine: https://calendly.com/christinerenee/10-minute-connect-call-srpt
It's time to remember your divine purpose and limitless potential. Welcome to Wisdom Rising, the official podcast of Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. Join shamanic Reiki practitioners Christine Rene, isabel Wells and Chantel Ochoa as we guide you on a journey of radical self-discovery and spiritual guidance. Each week, we'll dance through the realms of shamanism, mysticism, energy healing and personal development to illuminate your path to true healing and self-sourced wisdom Through weekly inspired conversations and interviews with leading spiritual and shamanic practitioners. We are here to help you acknowledge, reconcile and balance your energy so that you can awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising from within. Hello, hello and welcome back to another amazing episode of the Wisdom Rising podcast. I'm your host, isabel Wells, and I wanted to step in for a brief introduction to today's episode because this is a unique and special two-part episode here on the show. In the first half of today's episode, we're taking a different tack to these podcasts, so, rather than covering a specific spiritual topic, you're going to hear Christina and I have a really open, candid conversation about the energetic shifts that we've been experiencing both in our own lives and in the world as a whole lately, how we feel like there is a message of hope and inspiration coming through, why we've re-evaluated our purpose and mission here on Earth and how we're bringing that through in the work that we do here at Moon Rising, as well as our perspective on why we truly believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to heal and our perspective on why we think the world would be a very different place if everyone knew how to connect to nature, spirit and themselves in a really deep and powerful way. This conversation isn't our usual exploration of a spiritual topic. It's really Christine and I coming in with an open heart and open mind to share what we've been feeling lately and why we do the work that we do, why we believe in this work, why we do it for ourselves and why we show up through Moon Rising Institute to bring this work and this light into the world. So that is the first half of today's episode.
Speaker 1:About halfway through you'll hear a short pause before we transition into the second half of today's episode, which is a training on the shamanic technique for chakra spinning. This is one of our favorite techniques to share with our students and it's a really tangible, easy way to bring balance and healing into your chakras. So you'll hear a replay of a recent workshop that Christine and our moon rising mystic, chantelle Ochoa, recorded for our community. The first half is an explanation of the shamanic perspective of the chakras, and the second half guides you through a guided meditative experience to learn how to spin your chakras and bring this spiritual tool into your own healing toolkit so that you can use it in your daily life to bring in the healing and the connection that we speak about in the first half of today's episode. As you can see, this is a really thought-provoking, authentic, open, inspirational, educational podcast episode today, but it is a long one, so feel free to take pauses whenever you need and come back to this episode whenever you're ready, knowing that it's here to support you and that we're here to support you. With all of that said, if you are listening to this episode when it airs so about halfway through January 2025, know that we do have some amazing events coming up for you guys in our community this month. So on Mondays, at 9 am Mountain Time, 11 am Eastern Time, we have a live Whispers of Wisdom conversation. This is a time where Christine Chantel and myself go live on our Facebook page to dive deeply into a spiritual topic every week. On January 20th, we're going to be talking about connecting with your intuition and higher self, with another topic to come on the 27th. So if you're interested in joining us for those live conversations and 30 minutes of Q and A after our conversation, then head over to our Moon Rising Institute Facebook page, which will be linked in the show notes below.
Speaker 1:As well as on Wednesdays at 5 pm Mountain Time, 7 pm Eastern Time, we have a free series of workshops coming up for you. So on the 22nd at 5 pm Mountain Time, 7 pm Eastern Time, we're going to be diving deep into inner child healing and shadow work, sharing the shamanic perspectives of this work and guiding you through some tools and techniques that you can use to begin healing your inner child and developing a healthy, loving relationship with them. And then, on January 29th, also at 5 pm Mountain Time, 7 pm Eastern Time, we're going to be taking you on a guided shamanic journey through the chakras. So this workshop will be a meeting place of all the other workshops we've offered this month, really showcasing where shamanism, the chakras and our healing work, our shadow work, all come together. So if you're interested in experiencing a guided shamanic journey while healing your chakras at the same time, this workshop is perfect for you.
Speaker 1:If you can't join us live at those times, don't worry. Be sure to register at the link in the comments anyway, so that you can get access to the recording and watch the workshop from the comfort of your home whenever you're ready to do so, and watch the workshop from the comfort of your home whenever you're ready to do so. With that said, know that we are also entering into our final week of early bird pricing. If you've been watching our Soul Rising Shamanic course, which we share about in today's episode, you know that early bird pricing was supposed to end today, january 17th, but we are excited to announce that we're going to be pushing early bird out a week as well as the start date of the course. So early bird pricing for our soul rising shamanic course is now available until January 24th and live calls will start on February 3rd. This course is completely tailored to your schedule and your needs. So if you're interested in the course and you were looking for a sign maybe this early bird extension was the sign for you Feel free to check out the link in the show notes to learn more. So, with that said, any links that we mentioned either in this introduction or in the episode itself will be linked in the show notes below. Feel free to reach out to us on our Facebook group, the Shamanic Mystics Moon Rising Facebook group, over on our Facebook page Moon Rising Institute, or by sending us an email at mystics at moonrisinginstitutecom to get in touch. Email at mystics at moonrisinginstitutecom to get in touch, ask your questions and connect. Until then, let's go to the show. I hope you enjoy this special episode.
Speaker 1:Hello, hello everyone, and welcome back to another amazing episode of the Wisdom Rising podcast. I am joined here with Christine Rene today for what I think is going to be a really unique podcast episode. So often you guys hear us come on to talk about cord cutting and spirit teams and the chakras and personal development and all of these really beautiful topics, and today we're kind of switching it up. Today we're coming to you guys with this message and this energy that we've been feeling as a team here at Moon Rising and that we really want to bring forward. So this moment of vulnerability and openness and just really an invitation to grab your tea, grab your coffee, come, sit down and have a conversation with us. We're not going to be giving you guys advice or talking about a specific topic until later in the show today, but this first half of the episode is really just going to be us diving into where we're at, this really open and honest conversation, and I was really reminded of why we're doing this, why we have this special episode coming out today in a class with our Soul Rising students this morning, where we stepped into our sacred circle and the students were just sharing about how intense the energy has been lately in the world.
Speaker 1:Whether you look at it from an astrological perspective and the Mercury retrograde conjunction that we have or is it Mars One of them is in conjunction We've got a six planetary lineup happening on the astrological side of things, and then we also have for us in the U? S, we have the inauguration coming up and all of that, and there's just been such a collective energy of really intense energy moving through us. And it was it was really an honor to get to come into this space with students this morning and be reminded that there's so much more to how we work with ourselves and how we work with energy and how we move through this than what we see a lot in mass consciousness and knowing that there is so much fear right now and there is so much heaviness and so many people are experiencing that like self-doubt, and it's it's something that we're all moving through together, you know.
Speaker 3:Well, and it, and there's some really big, heavy events happening. Like I got back from my travel time and realized that LA had been on fire for days and I had no idea because I wasn't, I was out of the country and I didn't I wasn't really on my cell phone. And to come back to just the heaviness that we have people dying, the fires are just consuming everything and everyone's watching and not really sure how to help or support, and just that, that there's just a bigger heaviness going on. And and I was tuning in the other day to Moon Rising and Shamanic Institute and realizing the heaviness that she was feeling like as her own entity, while this collective consciousness was heavy and going whoa, whoa, whoa, let's bring this up. We got to move her up and out of this fourth dimensional heaviness and into her light, into her power.
Speaker 3:And I did this beautiful visualization, I was doing a shamanic journey and I was doing the healing work with the business entity. So if you've never done that before, it can be really profound, it can be really amazing. It's something that we teach our, our practitioner students and and our advanced students, and and so I was doing this healing work and recognizing I was like. You know what. It's not just moon rising that needs to rise up, it's all of us lightworkers. Every lightworker business needs to be risen up out of this heaviness. And I could just see the energy of moon rising, this beautiful glowing orb of a moon that was shooting rays to all of the lightworkers, all of the healers, all of these in alignment businesses that wanted to be lifted and gracefully up out of the clouds, out of the darkness and into their own power and light. And we can make this beautiful energy, light grid that. This isn't about competition. This is about we are in collaboration with the vine, with the angels, with the Pleiadians, with whomever is ready to help support the spirit of the earth, heal and transform and transmute this darkness, this heaviness, and it was really awe inspiring, like.
Speaker 3:From that moment, I was like and this is why we do what we do it's not about competition, it's not about like, it's this way or it's the only way. It's that we are here to enlighten and love on the earth and she is so worthy of that love and attention. And so I go back to remembering how moon rising came to be and it's like from the earth to the cosmos. It's this connection with both and how can we support both? And the answer is you, it's our students, it's our listeners, it's the people who are ready and open to do this healing work. And it's such an honor to be in this space, it's such an honor to be in this space and I think that's just.
Speaker 1:It is that message and that idea of bringing in the light so many of us. I mean, I'm assuming if you're listening to this podcast right, you've probably felt this feeling that so many lightworkers right now, and healers and shamanic practitioners and our students and everyone is feeling of this pull, that this knowledge that, yeah, there is this really heavy stuff happening right now. We have the fires, we have everything happening politically, we have countries going into war and all of these things, and yet there's this pull within us, this understanding that there's this deeper purpose, that there's an energy supporting us, that we have this divine connection. And I think so many people are looking to do that work of figuring out how do we reconcile that darkness with the light that we know exists. And that was to your point about moon rising. That was the original intention of why we were bringing this forward is so that we can learn how to reconcile the light and the shadow together as a community. And it's it's amazing that there is this way of perceiving. And you know, it's so funny because before we hit record, christine and I were talking and I was saying I wish, I wish there was a way to share this message which is ironic considering that we're recording a podcast on it. But this idea of like there are so many things that I wish I could tell people in mass consciousness, that I wish could just become integrated into the mainstream like that and I know so many of you listening have this thought too of I wish there was a way to share that this heaviness is just one side of the coin, that there's a way of perceiving this, of coming back into connection with, for the fires, for example, that the earth knows how to cleanse herself, the earth knows how to use that element for good, that there is this higher spiritual purpose for what's happening. And, yes, we should offer our prayers to the people who are hurting and dying and the animals who are hurting and dying, and we can use our physical resources to support that. But that we don't have to stay stuck in the fear and the doubt and the blame and the who did this and why did it happen and who's impacting it, and this kind of hamster wheel of negative energy that we get ourselves in because we feel like it's out of our control. There's so much right now that leaves us feeling like we're not in control, but it's coming from that mental space of fear of what's going to happen next and are we going to be safe and is the world going to be okay and all of these things.
Speaker 1:And I was doing a shamanic journey on this with our practitioner students a couple of weeks ago. We did a shamanic journey to the energy of 2025. And for those of you who are listening and don't know what a shamanic journey is, it's a way of going into a meditative state to connect with spirit, to connect with your energy, so that you can receive messages directly from God, source, spirit, universe, your spirit guides, your power, animal, whatever words resonate for you, but so that you can receive this divine inspiration directly. And so we were doing this journey to this concept of the energy of 2025. And what I was seeing was I could see myself walking down the street in this really busy city and it was like I could see if you've ever seen Inception, the movie, where they're walking and there's the two versions of the city. There's the one on top, and it was all beautiful and peaceful and flowering and the energy was just like rosy and vibrant and everybody was so happy and connected and loving. And then, on the flip side of it, it was like everything was crumbling and there was destruction and there was fire and people were dying and everyone was hurting.
Speaker 1:And it was this understanding that both of those realities are equally true. Both of those realities have weight. And what we're walking in right now, the reason that we have this uncertainty, the reason that we feel so out of control, is we're being called to ask ourselves which reality is it that we want to walk in? Which of those two do we want to call in? Do we want to bring in knowing that they're both valid? And this is something that I'm so grateful to have shamanic work in my own life to walk through, because in shamanic work we have this understanding that there are different levels of consciousness. There's ordinary reality consciousness, so what's actually physically happening around us in the 3D reality, so the fires or the political things, or all of this is happening in ordinary quote unquote consciousness.
Speaker 1:And then we have shamanic consciousness, or spiritual consciousness, which is where we can see what's happening in the spirit side of things, what's happening in the energetic background, what is the purpose? Where is this flowing? Where earth has a consciousness and source has a consciousness and everything has an energy and a reason and a purpose, and that ability to shift out of fear and out of doubt and into this idea that what if, you know, what if there was a different way to perceive this? What if there was a way that the light could shine through? What if there was a way that we could choose to view that city blossoming and blooming and full of light? And it's one of those things where I think so many people will listen to this and think, well, yeah, that would be nice, but it's not real. Right, it's not real. And it's like.
Speaker 1:This is a theme that we've been talking about a lot with our students in class lately, of this idea of our soul's truth and that we are these spiritual beings who have come to earth to have this experience, that our soul knows that truth. Right, we hear this all the time. This idea of the wisdom is within you, that our soul has this truth. And then we have our mind and we love we love as a society to pretend that our mind has the answers. We love to think that if we just logic it through, that, if we think about it enough that our mind can figure it out, and we almost give our mind this kind of consciousness, like it's this, like we are our minds, and it's like. No, our mind is a translator. If we think of it like a radio, you know, the radio is just picking up the sound waves and translating it into something that you can hear. That's all your mind is doing, is it's pulling the energy of your experience, pulling the energy from your soul, the energy of what's happening around you, and translating it into thoughts, into feelings, into this thing that you're then experiencing. And that mind can be mistuned, right. Sometimes the radio has a lot of static in it and right now, my goodness, our minds are filled with so much static, with so much fear and so much doubt. And it's all completely valid, right? That static, we can hear it, we can feel it. It's valid.
Speaker 1:And there's another way, there's a deeper calling coming from our souls of saying, hey, what if we could use this as a chance to connect? What if we could use this as a chance to come into this community space? What if we could come back into knowing that you have a truth within you, you have a knowing within you of how your light is meant to shine, of the fact that there's more to this than meets the eye, of the fact that when we come together in harmony instead of casting our own fear and blame and feeling separate, when we can come back into that feeling of being connected, that there's something to that. And I wish that there was a way to just hold up that light and let everybody be able to see it and feel it for themselves.
Speaker 1:And I think it's one of the most frustrating parts of my job the fact that, knowing that I've mentioned it many times on the podcast that idea of capital T truth versus lowercase t truth that no matter what we say today, no matter what comes through in our words, each and every one of you listeners is going to interpret this with your own experiences and beliefs and energy and you're going to take it in exactly as you need to. But it's going to come through different for everybody and there's no way for me to just take that capital T truth, that ultimate truth of all things, and be able to pass it to the entire world, because it's something that you have to experience. It's something that you have to be willing to question what's happening in front of you and see if you can go in deeper, see if you can cut through another layer, see if you can come back into connection with your soul. And it's this incredibly frustrating and humbling experience to be able to sit here and know that what we have to offer, what we're doing here at Moon Rising, isn't saying it's our way or the highway, and it's not saying this is how you should be seeing the world. And it's not saying well, you should just, you know, think positively and everything's going to go great. It's saying there's a deeper truth here and I can express how I perceive it right, how I perceive that big capital T truth, or what I call my lower case T truth. I can give you my mind's translation of my soul's truth, but, at the end of the day, the only way that you're going to be able to find your soul's truth is by walking the path, is by asking those questions.
Speaker 1:Questions is by having a space where you can explore and be vulnerable and be honest with yourself and come into the space of yeah, it is heavy and I have this deeper voice telling me there's something else, but I don't know what to do about it. Where can I find the people who can help me? Where can I find the energy that can help me go deeper instead of clinging more to the static, and it's like that's that's what I want to be doing with the podcast and with our community and with our courses is this idea of it's never going to be our way or the highway, but it's this idea of can we help each other to understand that there's this entire shamanic state of consciousness, there's this spiritual way of seeing the world, there is that rosy and blooming perspective of our present moment that we can all find our own paths to. And can we open up a space where you can find that for yourselves, because it's never going to be the same for everybody and that's so incredibly difficult to wrap your mind around as a teacher, I think, is this understanding that the only person I can do this for is me, and I hope that by doing that, by sharing things like this, by having conversations like this, it opens up this understanding that we're no better than anybody else. We don't have any special knowledge that sets us apart. We just have come into connection with our soul and with our truth, and we want to open up a space for people to be able to do that, because when you're connected we had a student today talking about how, for years, he's been in this deep grief cycle over this profound loss that he had in his life.
Speaker 1:And by stepping into this space and being open, he doesn't necessarily agree with everything that we say, right, he doesn't take it on, he questions everything.
Speaker 1:But by working in this space, by walking through this, he's not only been able to process the grief but he's actually come into the space of saying that he's satisfied, that he knows that, no matter what's happening in life, he's okay, the world is okay, the energy is okay.
Speaker 1:And I was just sitting on the call today thinking about how much of a different place our world would be if people knew that they had the ability to access that kind of peace, that it wasn't just set aside for this select few or that it wasn't a delusion, that it's not delusional to find those feelings in the midst of everything that's happening.
Speaker 1:It's just a different way of living and perceiving life and I wish that I could just hold that up and have that capital T truth be spread everywhere. But the best that we can do is say are you willing to walk the path to find it in yourself? Are you willing to see things a different way, because our world needs that. Our world needs the people who are willing to look for the light in the darkness, who are willing to reconcile the shadows and the light, who are willing to go in themselves and find their truth and say it's okay if it doesn't match everybody else's, it's my truth, it's my power, it's my healing and I'm worth stepping into that. And it's okay to step into that, even in the midst of everything else that's happening.
Speaker 3:Yeah, absolutely. And I feel like there are so many souls who are stuck in the cycle of fear and that's what we're fed. We're fed fear through media, through worry, through so much, and it's heavy. And when you can access a part of yourself, that is your higher self, that is your capital T truth, that version of who you are that says you know what this feels scary, my ego and my subconscious says this is scary, Like I don't know what this is going to mean for me. And we do it anyway and say what if all the beauty that I want to welcome into my world is possible, whether that is you developing an intuitive healing practice, or that you are content with yourself in the morning when you wake up after years of barely being able to get out of bed, or that you can sit in meditation and finally quiet your mind? Whatever your desire, reality looks like. What if that was possible? What if that was possible? Because I really believe that that capital T truth sprinkles in all of these lower T truths that gives us these divine inspirations, these divine hints, these divine desires that are put in front of us for reason and purpose so that we can go after them. So if you have this yearning for something in your life and it's put there for a reason. That drive is there for a reason. That vision, that fantasy, that imagination put there for a reason. That drive is there for a reason. That vision, that fantasy, that imagination is there for a reason. And what if we said yes to it? What if we said yes to it?
Speaker 3:I remember having a student years ago and she was like I know that I'm meant to be here, that I'm supposed to do this thing and I have no idea how I'm going to pay for it. That I'm meant to be here, that I'm supposed to do this thing and I have no idea how I'm going to pay for it. And I'm starting my practice and I have a lot of healing to do and and I'm ready, but I don't know how I'm going to pay for it. And it was amazing because she stepped in with such trust and such faith that not only did she pay off the program within seven months, she was able to clear $50,000 with the debt. Why? Because I feel like she was in alignment for the work. She was ready to transmute all of the heaviness and fear in her life and say yes to a magical, mythical life, and I think that's where I'm at, you know, like where we can be.
Speaker 3:Is that like if I am magical, if I know that I'm a magical individual and I get to use my magic wand to say this is my desired reality and I'm going to put it out into the world and I'm going to take those steps forward and, in the process, going, oh, notice that, that heaviness there in my life, that that relationship or that food or how I feel after I watch that TV program or whatever it is. And we start going you know, I am worthy of more, I deserve more, I love me more than all of these other experiences that pull me down. And so what if we could say I love me more and my desire is God given, and so I'm going to say yes to me? And what does that look like? And so it's really interesting when we meet students who have this cloud of heaviness, of shame, of fear, of guilt, of whatever it is over them. And they were like, yeah, this program would be amazing, but and I'm like, hold up, Can we just explore what that butt is, Because anything after it is lowering your self-worth.
Speaker 3:I don't have the time, I don't have the money. I don't. I, whatever your excuses, there's that piece of it where my heart just doesn't wants to like give them a hug, because it's like there's part of them that doesn't feel worthy to do the healing work. And you are. Everyone is worthy to do the healing work, and we all have shadows and we all have darkness and we all have the opportunity to step into a space of. I'm worthy to heal, I'm worthy to love myself radically.
Speaker 1:And and you know that's just, it is it's this idea of in in the spirit of being open and vulnerable for this podcast and this recording is you know there's there's so much out there where it's like, as a business, you're supposed to pitch your offerings and you need to sell and you need to make this amount of money and and all of this and it's I hope that's never the energy that we bring forward, because there's nothing in this that we're trying to sell you on. There's nothing in this that we're trying to say our program is the only way that you can do this, or healing is only available if you walk the shamanic path, and I'm tired of doing that. It's this idea of there's nothing here to sell. We're not trying to get you guys into the program because we think everybody needs to take this course. Connection to the earth if everyone on earth had a connection to spirit, if everyone on earth knew how to shamanic journey, to find that truth that does exist within them in a tangible way. So we don't feel as lost and we don't feel small and we don't feel shame and guilt and less than if we knew. If everyone knew how to do their shadow work, be gentle with themselves through their triggers, work through their past traumas and combine that with a connection to the earth, to spirit and to ourselves through journey work to get those answers, we would live in a really different world. And that is why I do what I do. It's never to get people into the course or to get them to book a session or to make this amount of money.
Speaker 1:It's always because I really firmly believe that if everyone could embrace this in their own way, right With using their own tools, giving you all of the options to be able to say what's going to work for you, so that you can connect to your truth, so that you can connect to all of this, that healing is immense. Whether it's the student that I had in class today saying that the only way that they healed through sexual abuse was by walking the shamanic path. Or we've had students who have been suicidal and worked through that by connecting with their spirit guides. Or we have a student who, you know, had MS for years and was able to get rid of her catheter just by doing this healing. And it's it's this idea of we're not holding them up because look what, look what's possible and look what we can do for you. It's look what's possible for you Like this, this healing, this way of viewing the world. It's available.
Speaker 1:It's such a motivation for me knowing that there are so many people that don't know about this. There are so many people that don't feel connected to the earth. There are so many people that do feel lost because they don't feel a connection to something greater than themselves, whether you want to call that God, source, spirit, universe, whatever. There are so many people who know that they have wisdom inside them but don't feel worthy to receive it or feel like they can't trust it, or feel like people are going to think they're crazy or whatever it is. And it's like if we could create a space where this was the norm, where we can heal.
Speaker 1:And I remember we held a class on the night of the election and it was such a stark contrast. It was like I stepped my husband's a journalist, so I have a lot of access to typical mainstream energy and it was such a stark contrast, stepping back from him telling me about his day to stepping into class, where there were these people who were like it doesn't matter, we're staying in the light, we're going to go, we're going to go talk to our power animals and our spirit guides and get the higher perspective and receive healing energy. And and suddenly there was this space where the energy wasn't heavy and there was light and people did experience healing and they have these profound experiences and it's like that. That is what I want to be a part of, and the reason that we created this community, the reason that we created this course, isn't so that we could be like, hey, look, here's a program for you to take it, so that there could be a sacred space where this work could happen, because I firmly believe that it needs to happen.
Speaker 1:And even on a personal level, january is an anniversary for me of some really shitty stuff that happened in my childhood and my nervous system remembers every January. And it's hard, you know. Those triggers are hard, the panic attacks are hard, but because I have this connection to the earth and I have this connection to spirit and I have this connection to my spirit team, I've been able to walk through that this week with this understanding of how that version of me has done so much healing. This version of me in the present is doing so much healing. This is just energy that's ready to come up so I can release it. It's ready for me to process it. I can lean into my spirit guides, I can lean into my connection to the divine. I can go hug a tree and know that she's helping me process this energy. And it's such a stark contrast to when I was in the middle of really intense CPTSD a few years ago, where this would have knocked me over, it would have completely absorbed all of me. And now it's like no, I have this connection, I have this awareness and that's the thing is.
Speaker 1:Healing doesn't mean that your triggers are never going to happen, and I think so many of us feel like we're failing if we get triggered or if we have a panic attack or if we have a bad day and it's like no, the purpose of this isn't to be perfect. The purpose of this isn't to get over the bad emotions so that you don't have to burden anybody with them ever again. The purpose of this is so that when those come up, we can move through them, we can allow that soul, our soul, to sing its truth, to help us retune our mind, so that we can come back into connection with what is true and what is healing and what is good and what we deserve and what we're worth, and that we are enough to have healing in the midst of the chaos. And I really firmly believe that if everybody had a space where we could come together as a community, where we could come together not just as a human community but in communion with the earth and with spirit and with our spirit team, however that looks for you that we would live in a very different world, and that's why we do what we do and that's what comes through the course, and so it's like I don't want to pitch it, I don't want to sell it to you.
Speaker 1:What I want is for anyone, anyone who feels like this is their path, who feels like that connection is what they're missing, anyone who feels small and alone and lost and overwhelmed and confused and like they aren't themselves, to be able to have a space to come home to.
Speaker 1:That's what soul rising is.
Speaker 1:To me, it's a home, and it's this home that I find with my students, with our students, where we're able to sit with them and say what was your experience and how can we transmute it, how can we bring it back into the light, how can we let our souls sing together so that that healing happens not just in ourselves, but in all of us, in the collective, knowing that the work that we're doing, it has an impact on the fires and it has an impact on the politics, and it has an impact on everything, because we're creating this ripple effect and that there's.
Speaker 1:There's this different way of seeing it and if you feel called to it, please come home. Come home to this space where you can heal, where you can be accepted, where this is available to you, and that's what soul rising is, that's what it is, no matter what we say or what our students say at the end of it. That is the energy of it, of this place to come home to yourself so that you can heal and live and experience that magical, mystical, worthy version of you that's just waiting for you.
Speaker 3:And I love that, the idea of like we're coming home, because it's a remembering of who we are. It's remembering who your authentic truth is, your authentic voice, your authentic soulful space of what do you need, what do you want, what do you desire. And in that space, gosh, the world is so much easier because if everyone was living from that space, it's just like a breath of fresh air. And so that's why we, we, we've created this container so that you can remember who you are, you can remember your self-love, you can remember that you can radically choose you and be okay Not just okay, but you can be in bliss, you can be in ecstasy, you can be in pleasure, you can be enjoy. And you have your nervous system say yes, please, and thank you to that right. Like so often, our nervous system is so fried that even being able to enjoy pleasure, enjoy life, can be triggering. And it's like what if your nervous system was so healthy, so stable, so balanced, so aligned, that you got to experience the fullness of life, the fullness of being in our human suit, as a spiritual being? What would that look like? And so we have this beautiful container and and it goes really deep and we dive into a lot of topics that will bring whatever is ready for healing to the surface. So we're not poking, we're not prodding, we're not. We're not doing it intensely on purpose. It's more of like I'm showing up available for healing and as we watch the prerecorded videos, as we do these activating actions like Merkaba exercises or breath work or beating of the bones or chanting Ho'oponopono or whatever it is Like, we have so many to really align with your unique self and what your unique practice will become for you, not a cookie cutter versions of your mentors, but who are you and what does that feel good for you? And and then have the, the calls. We have numerous calls every week to match our student schedule. We want to guarantee every student can come to at least one call and I don't know any other program who has such dedication to their students to make sure their spiritual and emotional needs are being met during the program, and we want that for you. So, yes, we're doing guided meditations and we're learning how to shamanic journey and we're diving into childhood wounds and really learning how to alchemize all of that heaviness so that we can come to a place of radical self-love and radical self-care and to say yes to joy, yes to pleasure, yes to life in its fullest, and and so we want to invite you. It's not a push, it's not a sell. It's like is it a calling? If it's a calling, if there's a place in you that says this resonates.
Speaker 3:I want to know more. I want to feel into this deeper. I want to know what the back story is. I want to know what the courses are like. I want to know what the back story is. I want to know what the courses are like. We have the space for you to either jump on a call with one of us voice, send me a voice memo on Facebook messenger like reach out, let's, let's connect, let's chat and know that you know we have a beautiful invitation for you to stay on after this, this, this recording our little authenticity, vulnerability, space into last night we did a beautiful chakra, spinning education plus experience, and we want to invite you to stay on for that, so that you get a taste of like how we teach and techniques that we actually utilize and on the regular, and how impactful this is for our students, and know that you too can take time to do the work, to do the healing practices and to say yes to you like. You're worthy of that, and we want you to see yourself as worthy of that period.
Speaker 1:Absolutely and and and in that knowing that we mean what we say, that we want everybody to be able to experience this. And so, if you are listening to this and you're thinking I don't have enough time or I don't have enough money, just book a call with us. We want everyone. If you feel the calling, we will find a way to make it work, no matter what that is, because if you feel the calling, it is for reason and it is for purpose, and we want to lean into that trust that the universe is going to guide you towards this. If it's meant for you, and if it's meant for you, the money and the time and all of it, we will figure it out. But that first question is is there a calling? And if there is, beautiful, we're so excited to walk this path with you, knowing that we know it's not the only way, it's not the only option out there. It's not that we want you to join our course because we want you to join our course, it's. Is it a calling? Is this right for you? Is this the space where you want to step into that connection? And if it is, fantastic and come join us in our Facebook group. You know, listen, keep listening to our podcast, come watch our YouTube videos, come find that space that feels like home, so that we can create this community of light and we can create this community of connection and magic and mysticism and healing in the midst of all of this, because it is open and available to us. It's just like that dual version of the city that I saw on my journey of which level of consciousness do you want to feel into? And if you want to come join us in that space where we can find the bloom and we can find the healing and we can find the joy and we can let our souls sing together, then come join us. Come send us a message on Facebook. If you want to talk with us, come join our Facebook group and connect with all of the other amazing individuals we have in there. Come learn more about the course.
Speaker 1:If that is what you want, if you're ready to walk that path. What's right for you that is always going to be our open invitation to you is what is right for you. And if you have questions, come share, because we really firmly believe in that power of community and that when we come into this space together, when we step into this energy together. That healing is going to happen not just for us, but for ourselves, and so, knowing that that's where we're at, that we're sharing all of this because it's where we have found healing, it's where we have found peace, it's where we have found that joy, and we want to share a sacred space where people can find that for themselves.
Speaker 1:If it feels right for you that's why we do this, because we believe in it and we've experienced it and if it's meant for you, we want you to have a space where you can come home, and that's the invitation, and so I hope that that has come through. I hope that this energy has offered some upliftment and hope in whatever energy you're experiencing right now. However, this is this heaviness that people are experiencing has been coming through for you. I hope that this is able to bring forward a little bit of joy and peace and connection and hope and, no matter how you choose to move forward, the idea that there is another way, that there is another option, that you are worthy of joy and healing and peace, even in the midst of this, and we can find it together. And so, with that said, I hope you do enjoy the second half of today's podcast, where we share this chakra spinning workshop and you can get a chance to just come back into connection with your own energy, to shake off and let go of what's not serving you and then bring in that healing and that light and that balance to your chakras.
Speaker 1:This is an energetic tool that you can use to really reset from this heaviness that you may have been collecting and to really just tune back into yourself.
Speaker 1:And after you do this, after you come back into connection, you do the exercise and you take your deep breaths. We're here for you. If you want to take it a step further, if you want to chat, if you want to share your experience, we're here for you and we love you guys and we love the earth and we love spirit and we just love all of it. And that's why we're doing what we're doing and we're so grateful to each and every one of you for creating a space where we're supported by our community so that we can continue to do this work, so that we can continue to show up, so that we can continue to have podcasts, so that we can continue to have podcasts and do courses and host the community in the Facebook group, because we believe in what we do and we know that each and every one of you are worth it, and so we're grateful to you and we love you and we hope that this podcast is exactly what you needed today, absolutely.
Speaker 3:And you know my my last thing I want to say is that know that we are pushing out our start date by one week, so we're going to be starting February 3rd, because we want to give you more time to feel into it, to to say yes, and knowing that the orientation videos are going to start on time so that you have extra time to move through the material If you're, if you're already joined or joining soon, and that we have payment plans and we have a scholarship fund that we're starting.
Speaker 3:If you want to donate to the scholarship fund, please do know that this is my life, this is my world. There is no segmentation between my daytime life and my work life, because I don't see this as work, I see this as my life and this is also my bread and butter. This is what pays my mortgage and my daughter's therapy and my son's college classes, and I absolutely have poured my heart and soul into Moon Rising and Shamanic Institute and we have to find that balance of how can we support our community and how can we support ourselves through this work, of to pay our bills, and so know that we are doing our very best to offer payment plans that will work for you, and we also absolutely appreciate those who are saying yes to this experience at full price so that we can really be financially funded to support the continued growth of our community and doing the podcast and all of the free things that we do, as well as support this beautiful team of three amazing women who are showing up for you in this way.
Speaker 1:Absolutely, and so we're just sending so much gratitude.
Speaker 1:Like Christine said, we are starting a scholarship fund so that those who are in financial need can join the course for a lower financial commitment.
Speaker 1:And if you want to donate to that, if you are excited about helping to support your community, to support fellow students, if you're joining the course to be able to do this work, to spread this light, this energy, this healing further, please feel free to reach out to us about that, knowing that we really are community driven and community funded and supported, and we want to continue this cycle of reciprocity and gratitude and love with all of you on all levels, and we're just so grateful for this space to be able to do it.
Speaker 1:And so, no matter why you're reaching out to us, just send us a message, say hey, let's connect, let's spread this net and of light and healing a little bit further and a little bit further, because that's that's why we do what we do, and we're leaning into trust and open mind and open heart to welcome in anybody and everybody who's willing to do this work. And so, if you feel the call to join our community in one way or another, welcome. Thank you for being here, we love you and we're excited to walk this path with you.
Speaker 3:Thank you so much for all that you are and all that you are becoming. We love you guys.
Speaker 1:Thanks for listening to the first half of today's show. This is a great opportunity to take a pause and get a drink of water before we dive into the second half, to learn shamanic chakra spinning.
Speaker 3:So welcome, welcome everyone to this workshop on balancing your chakras with chakra spinning.
Speaker 3:I'm your host, christine Renee, and I'm joined with Chantel Ochoa. We have been doing this chakra healing work for years and years, and this is one of our favorite techniques that we get to share with you tonight, and both Chantel and I have experienced significant chakra healing. Before we jumped on to this presentation with you all, we were on a natural healing summit, talking about how we both have healed our autoimmune diseases through healing the chakras and we really believe in that and passionate about how the chakras are connected to both our emotions and our physical health and how this can be a roadmap to healing. So this is why we do what we do. We know the power of the chakras, and so we want to give you a quick intro to the chakras and what is chakra spinning, the benefits of it, and then we're going to get into the practice of it, like how to actually spin your chakras.
Speaker 3:So thank you all for saying yes to tuning in, to listening to this, to recognizing that you're worthy of healing. You're worthy to do this work. We can say yes to healing. We can say yes to all of that opportunity and know that it's in the realm of possibility to heal every area of our life, every level of body, mind and spirit. All of it, we're worthy of all of it. We're worthy to be in alignment, and this is just one beautiful technique that's going to help you get there.
Speaker 2:Okay, so what are chakras? Chakras are spiraling energy fields that extend from our internal nervous system out into the auric field. Each chakra connects with a different aspect of our physical, emotional and energetic selves aspect of our physical, emotional and energetic selves. When the chakras are balanced and flowing, we experience health, peace and joy. So, connecting with our chakras, we all know that we have our seven primary chakras, from our root to our crown, and each chakra system is connected to its own physical aspect of the body, right, Certain organs, certain systems within our body. But we also have these nervous plexus that come together and connect in each chakras and that's what creates that the energy field of it.
Speaker 2:And so anytime that we have a disconnect or we have a trauma, we have emotional upset, when we feel like we're really just crunchy in life, we're really constricted in our energy, it's because there's a lack of flow. That's happening with our chakras and they are a system. So if one is blocked or it's not in flow and it's not expansive, then it has the ability to affect all of the other chakras. So we want to be able to help them to spend in the right, right direction and help to pull out any energy that is being stuck or impeding on our energy field and not allowing our chi to flow as it needs to.
Speaker 3:Exactly and I feel like you, you know when, you know when it's flowing, and it is absolutely okay to recognize wow, this chakra is out of balance. This chakra is out of balance and that's part of human nature, like we often have stagnant energy and this is a tool to help bring in that flow. And so when we come over here, like what is chakra spinning? It's an energetic practice to tune into your individual chakras and assess their energetic state. It is a way to do chakra analysis, like you can feel into the flow, you can feel into the stagnancy, you can feel into what's going on there for you and then have the tangible, visceral feeling of how can I help support this and remove what is in the way to really allow that full, optimal health of our chakras? And so just a really quick overview on what each chakra represents and we'll do this with the practice is like root chakra is very much your stability, your routines, your foundation of your energy and can really be connected into that, that, the levels of knowing your, your, your structure of your body, the bones of your body, anything from pubic bone and down. Like that's our root chakra. And then we have sacral chakra, which is really that watery, flowy reproductive systems, that creative, sensual sexual energy, and when is that in balance?
Speaker 3:And then we move into solar plexus and that is our level of identity, of who we are and who are we not. It's our no center, it's our digestion, it's the burn away, what no longer serves us. It has a lot of fire. And then we move into heart, where we have that air, we have that lungs, we have the love. I'm willing to open my heart and receive the abundance of love and energy into my life, the support in my life, and I'm also willing and able to offer love and support to others. And where's that balance of the divine, feminine, sacred, masculine within? And then we move into our throat of like. Am I open and available to speak my truth, exactly what I need, desire and want? And am I open to listening fully and completely to others and what their needs and wants, desires are right?
Speaker 3:And so then we move into the third eye, where we can utilize our spiritual gifts, our intuition, as well as looking at different perspectives and having an open mind and being open to education and learning things. And then we have our crown, which is very much that space, that center of. I can see the big picture. I can see the lessons and learnings in my life, my soul agreements, and also know that I'm one with everything. That separation is an illusion. So when those chakras are in alignment, things feel freaking good. Everything is working. And when we can know that, like wow, something's off there, it's going to affect the other nearby chakras and potentially your whole system. Right, and it's tapped into our nervous system. So our nervous system is speaking to us. So if we are feeling anxiety, if we're feeling contracted, if we're feeling small, then there's something off. And this is a great technique to bring in to really allow ourselves the opportunity to find our flow again.
Speaker 2:So benefits of spinning the chakras when you spin your chakras, you can tune into what energy they're holding onto and see if there is any sludge or residue that is ready to be reset and released. You can sense speed of flow, too fast, too slow, just right, graininess, sludge, stickiness, cords and attachments. So when you start to go in and tune into your chakras, there might be some things in there that you're going to be able to fill and, as you're spinning them, you're going to want to like pull those out. But they might feel, yeah, you can feel this energy. It's moving really, really fast or feels like there's not a lot going on in there. The graininess you know that texture, the sludge, all of it, stickiness, attachments. So these are all things that you can feel when you're working with your chakras and really balancing out your energy.
Speaker 3:Absolutely. And so now we get to like how do we actually do this? How can we utilize our intention to spin our chakras? And I always like to really set up sacred space. Ideally we're setting up sacred space, we're calling in our directions. This is my intention for the practice. I'm coming into a state of understanding my higher self wants to be here with me to help cultivate this healing practice. And when we're in that state of mind that we're open and ready to receive the healing, then we can start moving into the practice of utilizing our hands.
Speaker 3:Whether you have Reiki or you don't, either way is totally fine. This is going to work regardless that we can tune into that, that feeling, that tangible, visceral feeling of each chakra, and allow ourselves to spin. And this surprises people. Every time I do this in a group, in a live workshop, people don't think that they're going to be able to feel anything. And then they start and they're like Whoa, whoa, I can feel, I can feel my heart settling down, I can feel that this was sticky and I needed to pull something out. Like you, can this really have an experience in this? So don't surprise yourself, like, if that happens, like it's going to be okay, and we all have the availability to do this. And if you don't feel anything, that's absolutely okay too. So what we want to do is we want to start by taking a few nice deep breaths. We're going to bring our hands, give them a good rub, waking up those palm chakras, and then we're going to place our hands over our hearts, right, and so when our hands are over our heart, I'm going to show you at my third eye so you guys can see it. But when we, our hands, are over our chakra, and then what we want to do is we want to spin to your right shoulder. So this is open, open, open. This is open so that I can feel into and release and let go of what no longer serves me. And we're going to do this spinning towards our right shoulder. So if you're seeing it and I'm looking like I'm going left, that's because of the camera, so make sure you're always spinning. This would be like if you have a clock on your hand, you are going clockwise. So I'm spinning clockwise towards my right shoulder and we're going to spin at least four to five times when we're opening.
Speaker 3:You can do even more than this, and that really allows that availability to notice. How fast is it going? Is there grainy grains here? Is there sludge? Is there residue? Is there actually something stuck in it that you need to just really hold onto and pull out and release and send down to the earth, right?
Speaker 3:So all of these are a components of really finding that flow and really tuning into the chakras, and so we want to slow it down so that you're really actually feeling what you feel and noticing what you notice, and then having that intention that anything that we are releasing is going to go to the earth for her reuse and recycling.
Speaker 3:And then we're going to spin the opposite direction.
Speaker 3:So we're going to move from heart where I like to go heart chakra down all the way to root and then all the way back up to crown and then all the way back down to heart again, like that's my process, that's the way I enjoy doing it. So we do that open and then we move into the close and this is really like sealing in all of the things that we supported that release of. We're sealing in the healing, we're sealing in all of the positive affirmations that we want to bring in, and we're then spinning the opposite direction. So we're going towards our left shoulder, we're going counterclockwise and in doing so we're really having that moment of this is complete, it is done now it is done, it is sealed in, and have that appreciation for the completion. So when we're spinning to quote, unquote, close, we really want to just take that four to five spins and then move to the next one. So this is a. It can be a lot faster on the close. Anything you want to add to that, chantel?
Speaker 2:Tuning into your intuition. You definitely want to be intuitive. You want to feel what you can, even if you're not, like Christine was saying, even if you don't feel anything, that's okay. Trust that the energy is moving right, that the movement is happening and it's working. But if you tune in and with your intuition is really feeling what you feel, what messages you have, what how your body is speaking to you and doing like take your time, don't feel like you need to rush through this. This is a healing, a time for you to take in some healing, to release what you need to release. Let the emotions come to surface, breathe through them. Remember to breathe. Don't be stuck holding your throat chakra like blow out. Breathe in through your nose, blow out through your mouth. You'll be transmuting that energy, offering it to the earth. But be slow with your practice, with this, and know that whatever is meant for you is in alignment with where you're at and what is meant to come forward for you.
Speaker 3:Absolutely Trust it, trust it, trust it. And so now we're going to take a moment and we're really going to dive into the experience of it. And so I want to just take a moment here now to take some nice deep breaths. And what we're going to do is we're going to take those our hands, get them all turned on, we're going to bring them to heart center and prayer pose and gosho. And we're going to take three nice deep breaths, inhaling through the nose, exhaling through the mouth. Release anything that no longer serves us in this time and in this moment, blowing it all out, blowing it out like you're blowing out birthday candles on a cake.
Speaker 3:One more for me, and now we're going to take three nice deep breaths, inhaling through the nose, exhaling through the nose to tune in to your higher self, to your divine knowingness, to your intuition, allowing that spine to elongate, calling in all of your power, your knowingness. One more nice deep breath, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the nose Beautiful. From here we're going to take those beautiful hands of ours, we're going to take our dominant hand and we're going to hover above our heart chakra three to five inches and we're going to start spinning towards the right. We're going to spin clockwise and we're just going to slow it way down. Feel into that heart energy, have this knowingness that you have the capacity to feel, to know, to trust, that you have the capacity to feel, to know, to trust. Our heart is going to reveal itself and what it needs. If you feel that you need to shake your hand, if there's a vibration, if there's a sludginess and you want to scoop, it out and dump it on the earth, go for it.
Speaker 3:So we have our healing helpers with us. We call upon our guardian angels, our spirit guides, our Reiki guides, all of those healing helpers, to be with us as we spin our chakras, knowing that the earth can take all of our releases. Spin, spin, spin that heart space, that heart space of love, connection, serenity, knowing that it can be ready to release the grief, the hardships, the heartache, and breathing into it. Beautiful spin, spin, spin. And then we're going to move down to the solar plexus. This is that space where our ribs come together above the navel, below our sternum, hovering three to five inches and giving the nice, beautiful spin to the right clockwise energy. We're opening to release, to let go Anything that's imbalanced here.
Speaker 3:Solar plexus is so much about understanding who we are and what we're ready to say no to, what we're ready to say I'm ready to let this go, I'm ready to allow life to flow in and release what no longer serves me, noticing that anger might show up, frustration might show up, because this is so attached to our liver space of our solar plexus. And so we spin, we recognize, we feel and we let go, spin, spin, spineling into that If your body needs to move, if it needs to jolt, allow it, know that releasing is occurring here and then moving down to that sacral chakra spinning here. This is below the navel, above the pubic bone. Sacral chakra is all about finding that flow, that creativity, that sensual and sexual side of ourselves, just feeling what is offered here, slowing down our hands, really feeling into how our hand wants to move, to feel into the energy of our sacral. Allow that release to occur, pulling it out, pulling out that sludge, that stagnancy, whatever may be offering it down to the earth.
Speaker 3:Beautiful breathing, always breathing Beautiful breathing, always breathing Lovely, and then coming down to root. Now, root is pubic bone and down, so it can be in front of your pubic bone, it can be below your legs, it can be in between your legs, and we're yet again going clockwise, we're spinning towards the right shoulder. Root chakra is our foundations, it's our routines, it's our money mindset, it's knowing that we have all of our needs met. So, noticing how you may feel off in those and allow your hand to move, allow your hand to feel into and release anything that's inhibiting that beautiful flow, noticing what you feel, noticing what you can sense, noticing that you are worthy of healing, nice deep breath.
Speaker 2:Beautiful, nice, deep breath beautiful, all right.
Speaker 3:Coming back up, we're moving back to our sacral, that space between our pubic bone and navel, giving it just a few little spins, going clockwise still, and then up to solar plexus. We're going to move these through, these ones that we just did pretty quickly Solar plexus, three to five times, give it a little spin, and then moving up to heart three to five spins clockwise, moving to the right, gently breathing here, noticing the heart, and then we're going to move all the way up to throat, spinning in front of our throat, recognizing this is the space in which we speak, in which we communicate, in which we listen, in which we get to express ourselves through words, noticing your power in your words, that these are the spells we cast upon our life, feeling the energy. Notice, if you need to pull things up from your throat and out your mouth, if you need a blow out, blowing out is a really great way to release. Yawning is a great way to release. Shrugging those shoulders and dropping them is a great way to release. Yawning is a great way to release. Shrugging those shoulders and dropping them is a great way to release. We're saying yes to our healing, saying yes, I am open and available to heal my throat, heal my voice, allow myself to speak my truth.
Speaker 3:Beautiful. And then moving up to third eye front of our brow, spinning clockwise, opening that third eye space, opening to our intuition, opening to our spiritual gifts, opening to our open-mindedness, our willingness to see from new perspectives, perspectives allowing ourselves to feel into anything that's ready to let go of here, pulling out that closed mindedness, closing out those perspectives that keep us with blinders. On Beautiful, you guys are doing amazing Breathing, breathing, always breathing, and then moving into crown. Now, if you look straight up, your hand is still moving clockwise. You're still moving to the right.
Speaker 3:We're spinning that top of our head, the space of knowing that we are connected to all, we are connected to everything, we're connected to source, that we are divine, that the divine gets to pour its beauty, its light, into our lives through our crown and that we are open and ready to receive all of that beauty, all of that abundance, all of those divine connections and resources and love and love, knowing that we are all energy, we are all love, we are all connected, all supported.
Speaker 3:And we get a feel into what part of that does your mind say? I don't believe that that's bullshit and we get to pull that out and give it to the earth Okay, letting it go, knowing that you are worthy of this connection, this divine nature of who you truly are. You've got this breathing, breathing, breathing, always breathing. And then we're going to move down. We're going to move down to third eye space, spinning three to five times, saying yes, thank you, and then moving down to throat three to five times, and then back to our heart space once again, and then Chantel is going to guide us through the quick, close phase of sealing in, sealing in positivity, sealing in love, sealing in all of the nurturing that we're doing in this act of self-love and self-care.
Speaker 2:So, as you are moving down, spinning your chakras, closing them, coming back down to your root, giving yourself a little bit of Reiki at your root chakra, allowing yourself to still inhale in all of the energy that you have released and all of the energy that you have created and welcomed in filling into, if there are any messages in each of the chakras that you come to, noticing the energy shift that you feel. Just giving yourself a little bit of Reiki, connecting to your root, connecting to your sense of security, your sense of abundance, your foundation. Then moving up to our sacral, offering our sacral Reiki here, filling into our feminine energy, filling into our feminine energy, filling into our sensual and our sexual parts of ourself, filling into our sense of community and family and people this is also one of our manifestation centers filling into this space of creation. You're creating space, the element of water and when you feel complete here, coming up to your solar plexus, your empowerment, your sense of self, your identity, the fire within and feeling that, the strength within yourself, coming back to center point.
Speaker 3:Remembering that we are spinning towards our left these times.
Speaker 2:Yes, we're spinning towards our left, we're closing it, we're sealing it, we're filling into that energy that's coming in and then moving up into our heart, spinning it towards the left, closing it and then giving yourself Reiki here, filling into the love for yourself, the love of others, filling your shoulders, lifting the rise and fall of your lungs, filling joy and happiness expand through your chest and then coming up to your throat chakra, closing it, spending it to towards the left, offering it reiki, feeling that expansive energy of voice of your authentic self. And then up to your third eye, spinning it closed, feeling that clarity of mind and clarity of thought and being connected more with your intuition. Then coming up to your crown, spinning it, closing it, offering it Reiki, giving thanks and gratitude, offering at Reiki, giving thanks and gratitude, feeling connected to source energy, to divine energy, feeling connected to yourself, feeling expansive, bringing in a feeling that your energy flowing up and out of your crown and just expanding over, feeling the energy just expanding from your sides, from in front of you and behind you.
Speaker 3:Yeah, just taking a moment, like envisioning that you're taking your hands, envisioning the energy channel of all of your chakra and just sweeping up along your central channel all the way up above your head and letting it low and radiate above you. On sweeping it down, as if you're just moving the energy up and letting it overflow out into your auric field, smoothing out that auric field, allowing that energy to rise and overflow in the crown, and this way we're allowing that flow to just overflow in abundance out through our chakras into our auric fields, that we're encapsulated in this beautiful bubble of Reiki, love, energy. All right, give your body a little movement, a little stretch, noticing what you notice, noticing what you feel. I want you to really tune in to the energy that this practice has to offer you. And while you do so, we just have a couple more slides I wanted to offer. After the experience, while you're really feeling into it, I want to let you know that this is just one of our many shamanic techniques that you're welcome to add to your personal practice, and it really can be a personal practice. It doesn't have to be this drive to become a practitioner that you can say yes to you. You can say yes to your own healing and that this is just one technique out of many that allows us to tune into our own energy systems and have the self-awareness, the self-love, the self-care to really find our flow. And when we are in that flow, everything flows abundantly in our life and we can have the awareness of when things are off. And then we can have the techniques and tools such as cord cutting and shamanic journey work and chakra spinning. So let you have the confidence to handle any energetic situation that comes into your experience, and I love that. I love it so much and I want to share it with all of you that this is just one of so many that we offer.
Speaker 3:The shamanic shadow work allows you to easily and gently, let gently and effectively break through those limiting beliefs and heal old traumas. You'll notice what the words that we were using with the chakras they all have affirmations, they all have this element of emotional awareness and when we can notice our own thought process and that of saying I don't believe that, that's not true, that's not right for me going, oh, that, let's catch that. Let's catch that thought because it's identifying where your limiting beliefs are and if we can send a little extra love into those areas of our life, our chakras are going to be able to expand and flow more freely, instead of going into contraction when you're, when you call BS on those loving words to yourself like let's heal that, because how is that affecting your life and showing up as self-sabotage, right? So when we have this connection to allowing ourselves to go into the dark, knowing that we're not alone, that we can go, knowing that we can go with our guides, we can go with our power animals, we can go with our higher selves. Our higher selves that, in my mind, is like queen Christine. She's sitting on her throne. That energy allows my life to be so clear on when she is in the throne room and when she's not.
Speaker 3:And just having that awareness of going, oh, I'm allowing some other aspect of me to play the game right now. And this is my life. This is my life. I want to allow my higher self to step in as much as possible, because it eliminates fear. It eliminates that doubt. It eliminates that. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can make it happen Right. And so when you ditch the fear, when you feel connected to nature and spirit on a deep level. You find your true capital T truth, confident. You find your true capital T truth, confident, joyful self. I really truly appreciate you showing up for you, doing this practice with us and knowing that we're here for you. So reach out, send me a message, hit me up on Facebook messenger, whatever feels good to you. My email is mystics at moon rising institutecom. You can shoot me an email over there, but know that we're here for you. So thanks everyone, and lots of love to you.
Speaker 1:Thanks for tuning in to today's show. The Wisdom Rising podcast is sponsored by Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcasting app and be the first to know when we release a new episode. You can find us on Instagram, facebook, youtube and TikTok at Moon Rising Institute, or visit our website, moonrisinginstitutecom to learn more about our mission and find future opportunities to connect with our community of shamanic mystics. Once again, thank you for sharing space with us today and until next time, may you awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising from within.