Wisdom Rising
Shamanism, Reiki, Spirituality, Personal Development, and More. It’s time to re-member your Divine purpose and limitless potential. Welcome to Wisdom Rising, the official podcast of Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. Join Shamanic Reiki practitioners Christine Renee, Isabel Wells, and Shantel Ochoa as they guide you on a journey of radical self-discovery and spiritual guidance. Each week we dance through the realms of shamanism, mysticism, energy healing, and personal development to illuminate your path to true healing and self-sourced wisdom. Through weekly inspired conversations and interviews with leading spiritual and shamanic practitioners, we’re here to help you acknowledge, reconcile, and balance your energy so that you can awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising within. You can follow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok at MoonRisingInstitute, or visit our website, moonrisinginstitute.com, to learn more about our mission and find future opportunities to connect with our community of Shamanic mystics.
Wisdom Rising
Manifesting & Abundance: Reimagining Wealth the Shamanic Way
Ever wonder how shifting your mindset could unlock a world of abundance? That's exactly what we delve into in this episode of Wisdom Rising.
In this conversation, we pull back the curtain on how animist and Shamanic perspectives can recalibrate your understanding of abundance. By exploring the energy that connects us all and the power of gratitude, we reveal how even small changes in our environment and mindset can catalyze a profound transformation in your life's abundance.
In this episode, we cover:
• Common misconceptions about manifesting
• The impact of limiting beliefs and childhood experiences
• Reclaiming personal power as a pathway to abundance
• The animist and Shamanic perspective of abundance
• Practical techniques for attracting abundance, such as money bowls
• The importance of self-worth in the manifestation process
• Changing limiting money stories and beliefs
• Redefining the relationship with money and debt
• And so much more!
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Book a FREE 10 minute connect call with Christine: https://calendly.com/christinerenee/10-minute-connect-call-srpt
It's time to remember your divine purpose and limitless potential. Welcome to Wisdom Rising, the official podcast of Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. Join shamanic Reiki practitioners Christine René, isabel Wells and Chantelle Ochoa as we guide you on a journey of radical self-discovery and spiritual guidance. Each week, we'll dance through the realms of shamanism, mysticism, energy, healing and personal development to illuminate your path to true healing and self-sourced wisdom Through weekly inspired conversations and interviews with leading spiritual and shamanic practitioners. We are here to help you acknowledge, reconcile and balance your energy so that you can awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising from within. Welcome back to another episode of the Wisdom Rising podcast. In today's episode, you'll join Christine Rene and Chantel Ochoa for a conversation on the spiritual and shamanic perspectives of manifesting and abundance. In this conversation, chantel and Christine explore why the common perspectives of manifesting aren't actually the techniques that are going to help you embrace more abundance in your life. How things like our limiting beliefs and childhood experiences shape the framework for how much abundance we're willing and able to see. How reclaiming our power is the ultimate step to welcoming in more abundance, and personal stories and tangible techniques to help you manifest and connect with abundance in your own life. They also share the animist and shamanic perspectives of abundance and help you to see nature with animist eyes so that you can open up to the abundance that is already with you. This is an amazing conversation and we would love to hear your top takeaways over in our Shamanic Mystics Facebook group. We'll leave the link for that down in the show notes, as well as the link to our Moon Rising Shamanic Institute Facebook page, where you can join us live every Monday at 9 am Mountain Time, 11 am Eastern Time, as we explore another spiritual topic. We also host a 30-minute Q&A at the end of this event so you can join with us, interact with your community and have your questions answered in real time. So be sure to check out that link in the show notes and again join us on Mondays at 9 am Mountain Time, 11 am Eastern Time.
Speaker 1:We are also honored to announce that Christine Chantel and myself, isabel, are panelists in this year's Natural World Health Summit. This 10-day virtual health summit starts today, february 3rd, at 9 am Pacific Time and is designed to help people struggling with autoimmune or chronic diseases or things like type 2 diabetes and more, come back into alignment with their most vibrant well-being and health. In our segment, christine chantel and I share our own stories of healing from what doctors deemed untreatable illnesses, simply by connecting with spiritual and shamanic techniques and practices. We also share some tangible techniques that you can use to realign your energy to health and well-being. Plus, when you register for the summit, you'll also get the opportunity to access our chakra, metaphysical anatomy and physiology class completely for free. Once again, that summit is 10 days long and our interview comes out soon, so be sure to check out the link in our show notes so that you can register and get access to our interview and our freebie all at the same time.
Speaker 1:While you're checking out that link, don't forget to click the one to subscribe to our newsletter, where we'll be keeping you up to date on all of our amazing upcoming events. We've got some amazing workshops, book clubs and more planned for you in the coming months, so be sure to keep an eye on our website, our newsletter, and follow us on Instagram and Facebook if you haven't already. Remember to subscribe to our podcast so you can get access to new episodes sooner and share it with your friends and family. Sharing the podcast is the best way to help this conversation reach more people and help more spiritual seekers find our community With. That said, it's time for today's episode. Let's go to the show.
Speaker 2:And so today's conversation, I'm joined with Chantel Ochoa and we're diving in this to this topic really to understand manifestation from a shamanic perspective, because oftentimes what we are used to hearing about works sometimes, but not always right Like there's a lot of different ways to manifest and whatever you believe, whatever your story is, will come true. Right Like it's all about your belief and so if you believe something is going to work, then it will work. But if you are calling BS on what you're trying to manifest and that you don't believe it's going to work, it's not going to right. So there's there's this whole spectrum of possibilities of manifestation and today's conversation is really helping and hoping to come from more of that shamanic perspective. And so whether we are calling in rain for California, whether we're calling in new love of our lives, whether we're calling in financial abundance and security in our life, like all of it's possible and it all comes down to energy.
Speaker 2:The other day I was filling out some medical forms and on the medical form it was like what's your religious affiliation? And I remember, like you know, there's like a hundred options or something, and I saw that shamanism was on there and I was like but I chose animism, and animism to be an animist really is the belief that everything is energy and that, ultimately, is where Reiki and shamanism come together. It's like this knowingness that everything is where Reiki and shamanism come together. It's like this knowingness that everything is energy. The desk is energy, this camera is energy, the tree is energy, the river is energy, I'm energy, your energy, we're all energy. And so, if we understand life from the perspective of an animist one, you have respect for everything. Right. Everything is energy and everything can move, and as an animist, you understand that life as energy is malleable and can.
Speaker 2:And then it's based on frequency. Of what kind of energy are you attracting by the? What energy are you admitting? What frequency are you at? You know so like I love this conversation. So welcome, chantel. Thanks for joining me on the call today.
Speaker 3:Absolutely. The fact that there's even a form out there that has shamanism and animism on there is amazing, so that's a big win for us all moving forward. So, yay, on that, um, I do believe that that is coming forward more like our options, holistic health care, all that I do believe it's coming. So, with that, that's believe and we tune into the energy and the emotion of is what we attract. So, when you are talking about the laws of attraction and everything, it's because we are emitting that energy and that frequency, emotion and saying I claim that that's mine, I want that, I claim it. It's not so much. I think what happens is people get in doubt, right, it's not tangible. It's not so much.
Speaker 3:I think what happens is people get in doubt, right, it's not tangible, it's not quick, we want it instant.
Speaker 3:We are like instantaneously being rewarded, and that doesn't always happen, but it can.
Speaker 3:It can with the right amount of energy, the right thought process and what we bring in.
Speaker 3:And so, with that, um, there's so many ways of doing that and animism is one of them is respecting what we have, having gratitude for what we already exist, what already exists in our life, right Down to even like the mundane things of washing dishes and doing laundry and the simple things is giving thanks and having gratitude that we have those things to do, that we have water, we have dishes, we have laundry, and so when that happens, more abundance comes in.
Speaker 3:Then you have more clothes to wash because you have more abundance of bringing in. You have more you know dishes because maybe you're attracting more people into your community and you're having more dinner parties or whatever it is. But when we are admitting that that frequency goes out and the universe wants to reward it it wants to match where we're sitting and where we're at, and so it truly is fill it in your heart, know it's yours, put it out there and then just wait for it to come. Sometimes we got to do the work right. We got to go to work, do the things, but it's on its way.
Speaker 2:And when you know it's on its way, you don't have to be in fear or in a lacking mindset. Well, you're not even in a space of waiting, because there's a knowingness that it's done. It's already in the timeline. Of course it's happening, it's just it's just hasn't shown up yet but it's, it's on its way. Like and I think that's that's a huge piece of this so often that we are impatient with the process of it, and oftentimes the universe needs to realign a lot of things to make it happen Right. And so the the right people, the right resources, the right opportunities, like all the things need to line up just so, so that you can manifest the thing. So when doubt comes in, you suppress that and the doubt has its own frequency and vibration and it pulls you down. So, just like Chantel saying of like when we can be gratitude for the things already in our life, like I'm looking at my desk, like I rearranged my desk the other day, I cleaned it up and I put a little mini altar on it and I pulled out this antler that I've been hiding in my drawer because I was dog sitting a couple months ago and I put the antler away because the dog tried to chew on it, Right. So I'm hiding this antler and I had forgotten about it. I forgot that I had it. So it's been inside my desk drawers and I pulled it out and it reminds me every time I look at it of my happy place in Bozeman. And my happy place in Bozeman is this lovely garden that I've been a part of for over a decade, and it's where it's in my community, it's where the deer come through and and it's it's huge, it's beautiful. Here I'll show you you're watching live. It's this like, it's this beautiful antler piece, but when I look at it, it reminds me of the beauty and the abundance that just exists right here in nature, right around me, right here at my fingertips. And how blessed am I to have received this and not I mean, this is a place on in my community where you know we have over 20, 30 people who walk through all the time, and yet it revealed itself to me and that divine timing, and so it's these little things that I can just be so appreciative.
Speaker 2:And now that with it on my desk, I remember. I have this remembering of not only who I am and the blessings of my life, but that I'm, that this is a significant shamanic piece that speaks to me, and so it's that gratitude. And so when I'm in a state of gratitude and that's why I'm putting pieces on my desk that remind me of that gratitude, right Like I want things around me. I'm a huge fan of having mini altars everywhere when I was in Asia, like was in Japan a few years ago, and there's altars everywhere. They're on the side of the road, there's temples and shrines just everywhere, all over the place, and it just it's a reminder. It's a reminder. It's a reminder, it's another reminder of our spiritual nature. And how can we decorate and bless the spaces in our home to be in remembrance of who we are?
Speaker 3:I love that. Yeah, and building altars is such a powerful way of having that gratitude and remembering and everything, and they're so simple to make. It's just putting the energy into it and what is calling to you, what do you want to connect with? So, yeah, and that's a great way of having a money altar. Money bowls right.
Speaker 3:I am big on money bowls and with clients and students here locally we make money bowls and I bring them to. I always have a money bowl on my altar when I'm doing moon ceremonies or anything I do, because I want them to see it. I want them to see that there's a bowl there and there's so much money in it and it's abundant because I don't have to take that money out. And I tell people when you have a money bowl and you have $20 in there, $10 in there, and you know that you've had it there for six months a year, whatever that shows you that you have been abundant because you have not had to clean out your money bowl, to use that cash for something else to go pay for food or pay for your necessities that you were able to have a bowl of cash sitting there, light a candle for it, put that energy out there and that brings forward the money that you need, the finances and security that you need, right? And so people, when you start talking about money bowls, they start resonating with it and then they're like, oh my gosh, I'm like yeah. And then if you get a receipt that has like 333 on it you know like $33 and 33 cents or the timeframe on it, whatever it is you put that in your money bowl. You put some change in your money bowl that you found, you know, just spontaneously, whatever it is, and that is bringing forward abundance too. So it's a lot of fun to be able to work with an altar, with a money bowl. So, if you haven't made one, highly recommend it.
Speaker 3:One of my most favorite activities to create and introduce to people. But it's it's, like I said, putting that energy out there and I also, um, we have, uh, last year we bought some land in Arizona and I was walking the land and um, as I was doing that, I found an out in Antler and I was gifted that and I gave thanks to it and I was and I brought it home. I'm like you belong to me, you're on my land and um, and so with that it was this really abundant and manifesting thing that we created in a moment of our life, like we're going to go to Arizona and go check out this land and it all just fell into place and at some time point, hopefully, we'll be doing retreats there, but for now, look at just having nature speaking to us and showing up and saying, hey, you are gifted this because you are in the right frequency and connecting with nature and all the things nature wants to show up for us.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, and I and I love how, when it's in alignment, it moves quickly, very quick. Yeah, I think like that's the thing, like when we are struggling, if it's a struggle bus to push forward with the thing that you have in your mind that you have to manifest, like that's it shouldn't, it shouldn't be hard, it shouldn't feel like, oh, this is so easy, it's so in flow, everything is coming in alignment. And when it is a struggle bus, like, take a step back and go, what lesson am I actually supposed to be learning in the struggle so that I can clear that, so that I can fully come into alignment with flow again. Because it all comes to this point of am I in flow with divine universe? Am I in flow with a higher consciousness? Am I in flow in my energy with, with a co-creator, like in co-creatrix men, energy right, when we're there, it's not that we're pushing an agenda, it's very much in your feelings, your feelings, the mid of vibration. And so when we're in our feelings of abundance, when we're feelings and gratitude, when our feelings are in, I have all that I need and more, and the universe will provide this or better. You know, when we're in that energy, everything flows so much easier.
Speaker 2:Because when we have this idea in our head that money can only come through me, through this job, you're giving such restrictions to the universe that belief of it can only come in this form, in this way is like tying up the universe, who wants to give you resources and abundance through multiple avenues, but your belief is hindering it, right? So when it comes to manifesting abundance, we need to get in line with abundance of like. It comes to me in all directions, through all things and all people, and it's not about my money, can only my money comes from clients, it's coming through clients, it's coming through the business, it's coming through the IRS and a tax return right, like it's coming through it, but it's not coming from it, right? So you get an alignment with what you desire and you hold the frequency and energy of that of saying yes to. I'm open and available and worthy, that this can be my story and I, like I want to come down to stories because we have so many self-limiting stories Like I can only have this, if I'm only worthy, if I do this, I have to work so many hours to manifest that Right, and it doesn't have to be that way. Those are your stories and the universe is going to follow the story that you give it, if it's a belief, so that your story will become true. So watch your storyline. If you really are and working through your life and having restrictive stories, you need to watch that.
Speaker 2:I was talking with a graduate student the other day and I think I'm really good at this. At this point, like I can call people out on their stories of when they mentioned limiting beliefs or how things are supposed to happen. I can only get away if I can only take that vacation, if there's no way I could do that because, like there's so many limiting stories and I'm like that's on you, that's on you, and so if you decide what it is that you truly desire and you hold that you have this knowingness, the universe knows what you need, desire and can provide. Then who are we to put the freaking roadblocks up? Because that's what we're doing all the time. We're putting roadblocks by our stories. And so I love it when I'm around people where I can call them on their stories and vice versa, that they can call me on my stories, because we all have them. This isn't that I'm better than you and I don't have any stories. I got stories. You guys, I've got stories and you know, it's so lovely when I can get on a meeting with Chantel and Isabel and they call me on my stories because I'm like we have them. We need someone who can witness us, that we can trust, that we can know and and love to go.
Speaker 2:Look at the story that you just said about your life, and how is the story showing up for you? Because of this story, it's a story. How can we change the story? How can we rewrite the story?
Speaker 2:And so often our past is, and our subconscious, our past, is like all of our stories, and so our subconscious only believes that that same story can be manifested in the future.
Speaker 2:It's using that history as a data bank of what's possible and what's not, rather than what actually could be possible. So if our history, our subconscious, is like well, the spreadsheet says, when you do X, y and Z, you'll get this because that's the way it's been done before, and so it can be a real limiting factor, instead of feeling into, let's change the story, let's change the way our mind believes what is possible, because this is what typically trips us up If, like I, have a student who's like, well, I'm no good at business because I had a business before and I effed it up, so I can't be good at business. I'm like whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That's just one big story. But let's change the identity of who you are. To say you're successful and everything that you touch Like what? If that was your story, then how would you show up in the world? And everything ripple effects out from just changing the belief, the story of the belief that holds.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because when you go from the subconscious to a conscious belief system of that, I can be a successful business owner, I can bring forward abundance, I can bring forward that love. Whatever it is that you're desiring, it's in the mind and what we put forward. So connecting to our stories really is creating a cycle in our life of poverty, mindset and lacking and failure, and nothing ever works for me and I'm not worthy and it's just this cycle of non-stop negative thought processes. So when we change it, you recognize it. I don't believe that that doesn't align with my life. I can change that. I am a successful business partner. I am a good moneymaker. I do believe that I'm worthy of this, all these different things.
Speaker 3:Our mind then starts to see it happening in true reality. Suddenly, that person comes forward and a new friendship has happened, or money just showed up. Maybe you got a $20 tip and you're used to only five, or whatever it is. Things will start to align, little at a time, and then you start to believe. Your belief system starts to change. Your belief system gets bigger and grows. Your heart starts to trust in it, everything starts shifting and before you know it, it's the bigger things. Now heart starts to trust in it, everything starts shifting and before you know it, it's the bigger things. Now I'm manifesting a home. Now I'm manifesting a family. I'm manifesting that career. I'm, you know, 10, however many you know clients you need.
Speaker 3:In a month it's all coming forward because you've shifted your heart, you've shifted your mindset and you're starting to believe that it's possible for you. And then it's like, why not me? Why are we so limiting in our thoughts? And knowing the universe lives through us. Why aren't we realizing that we are fully here to experience abundance instead of lack of, and you can take the most abundant mindset, and if there is a lack of money or security, that abundant mindset will become scarcity mindset. So it's knowing where you're at, knowing that a lack is can only be a season.
Speaker 3:Sometimes it's a moment. It's something that we have to experience in life. So we know how to have gratitude for the abundance that comes, for the gifts that show up, right, because then you have something to measure it by. And so when you have that, suddenly you can give. Now you're in service, not just to yourself but to others. Now you can be the one that's leaving that $20 tip, that $100 tip, because you've made the money that you needed to pay all your bills and everything and you're feeling really good. So now we're in service and we're giving, and that's the ripple effect, so that person who received that tip or that whatever from you now can go give, and then they're giving to their children, to their people, and so it just keeps going on and on. But it really does start with our stories and it starts with ourself. And what are we allowing our conscious subconscious to tell our conscious mind? How to live and think and be?
Speaker 2:right.
Speaker 2:Well, and I think, give yourself a little bit grace. It's like, first off, like you're listening to this. Give yourself a big dose of grace because our culture has set us up to be in my scarcity mindset, because when we're in a scarcity mindset it's so much easier for for the society to control our behavior. Right Like we will sign up for the nine to five job. That's soul sucking. We'll do the things that we think we have to do because we think it's the only way. Right, like the TV shows that we watched as a kid showed the rich, the rich princess girl, to be snobby and greedy and like mean, and so we've got this overarching culture that shows us that mean people are greedy and mean and rude and all these things, and that's not the actual truth. There's plenty of good people who have money, right, and so it's a story that we have witnessed and ingrained in our subconscious that money is evil, money doesn't grow in trees. How many of us our parents told us that when we were kids, that we needed to watch how we spend money so carefully, that, um, and that really like all all people with money or have to be greedy and horrible people. And it's just not the case. It's the person who is greedy and is rude and is mean. That's who they are. It's maybe emphasized by the money that they have, but it's not because of the money, and so we need to change.
Speaker 2:I look at Dolly Parton. I just think she is fabulous. I think everyone who thinks Dolly Parton is fabulous because she is such an abundance mindset. She created her life out of nothing and no way and know how, and created this space of of like overflowing. She's an overflow of abundance and she shares, she gifts and she's determined not to be, you know, have X amount of money because she wants to give and give and give and it continuously flows back to her. So it's like when we're in this like beating ourself up phase because we're not doing it right, we need to recognize that, give ourselves grace, give ourselves some self-forgiveness of like.
Speaker 2:Our culture prepared us to be in this low, this victimhood mindset. Our society prepared us to be in a victimhood mindset. Our religion prepared us to be in a victimhood mindset. If you break out of those things, you should be patting yourself on the freaking back, because that's not easy to do and that is so much about why our soul rising program is the way it is is to help people break out of this victimhood mindset. Because when we are out of the victimhood mindset, even if you have a money struggle, you're like of course it's going to turn around, of course the universe is going to provide for me, of course all the resources are always going to be there when I need it, because I know and trust that the universe provides. Period. That is my story. The universe will always provide, it'll provide exactly what I need when I need it.
Speaker 2:Right, and so it's taking the fear and it's taking the struggle, it's taking the anxiety off the table so that you can have live a life and trust and flow, and I think that's so much. It is this trust and flow, trust and flow, trust and flow. And how do we get there? How do we get to a place of trust and flow? And so often that is how we're living our life on the day to day. How are we feeding our minds? Are we watching reels that are showing us things that stress us out? Are we right Like, are we watching the news for two hours a day? Are we? What are we actually feeding our minds? And does it leave us in a state of anxiety and fear and that's like you know.
Speaker 2:If you like to go to bed listening to you know crime stories, that that's on you. I could never like that. That would. I want to invite in love and abundance and prosperity and expansion and all things right. So if I want to be in a state of expansion and not in a state of contraction, like I think those two are so contrasted you can feel it in your body, my state of expansion, where my heart is open and wide and flowing. Or am I state of contraction, where I'm living in fear and scarcity, where I'm shutting down and I'm holding on tight right?
Speaker 2:And so look at how you with your money. Are you in a state of expansion? Is it overflowing? Do you readily give? Can? If I told you to go take $10 and go hide it in the library or bookshop near you just for the fun of it, would you be able to be like, yeah, that would be cool, just to just know that you are going to make someone's day when they find that $10 bill right. How can we play with money? How can we put it around our house so that we know it's always available, just like with Chantel's Money Bowls. What if we had five, 10, $20, $100 bills is kind of tucked away all over your house because it just feels like it's within arm's reach. Of course I have enough. There's some right here, right Like that, if you can feel it, and so sometimes we need to create a space where it feels like that, so that you can go into that space and go look, it's all around me. I have abundance in all things. It's all around me.
Speaker 3:I was wearing a dress on Saturday that I haven't worn in a little bit and I was sitting talking to some people and I kind of like patted on my leg and I was like, damn, that's a big tag on that dress. And I went into the pocket and there was $30 in there and I was like, oh my gosh, look at it. And so then the other people stood up and they're like checking their pocket, like you know. But it was really funny and I thought, dude, right there, that's how it is. It's just it shows up like that sometimes, like you know, and there was no need, like I wasn't sitting there thinking, oh, I need 30 bucks, but it shows up because it's right there.
Speaker 3:It's in our energy field, it's energy itself. Money is just an energy exchange as well. We just put this big stamp of importance on it because it provides everything we need. Right, it's the form of exchange to purchase our food, to purchase everything that we need. So that's why there is a scarcity mindset out there of energy, because if we don't have enough, we don't have enough, but knowing that there's enough for everyone, it will come. It is there.
Speaker 3:There is no one on this planet that does not deserve to have abundance in their life, right? Yes, is there consequences of certain decisions that we make? Yes, or is there a way of living? You know, like I was a teen mom. So, as a teen mom, like I remember adults telling me like, yeah, I was setting myself up for really hard lifestyle, you know, and I was 16. I got pregnant, had him at 17. And I didn't believe that. I was like that's not my story. I didn't believe that at all. And so I created a career and then it turned into, you know, a really nice career and it supported me when I became a single mom, and so it wasn't like this. Oh, I was always abundant. It was.
Speaker 3:There were moments in life where I really had to work hard to achieve what I wanted, but I always knew that on the other side of that, abundance was there that I would receive, that it would be worthy. I was worthy of it. You know my kids were worthy of it, and so now they're doing the same thing. They see it in their life, you know, even when they're in. My daughter right now, her husband's going to school and he just got a job and in his her moment, you know, of not having a lot of money and all this stuff. She's like it's just a season, mom. She's like it's all good, like it'll be good. It's just a season and I'm like I love that mindset. I'm like it's okay, you can bunker down at home while you guys are building and then you know it's just right now, and later in life you're going to be good.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I love that. It gives us this permission to be like so what's happening? It's happening and it's it's this moment, it's the season, this season it's going to pass. This too shall pass, right, and in that way of really recognizing that you're giving yourself permission. You're giving yourself permission to be in that, to be in, and that's that it's not. It doesn't feel like scarcity when you know that this, too, shall pass. When it's just a season, you're giving yourself that it's not. It doesn't feel like scarcity. When you know that this, too, shall pass, when it's just a season, you're giving yourself that grace of like so what's happening right now doesn't mean it's going to happen always.
Speaker 2:And watch the stories. I love this. This, the story of recognizing what your story is compared to everyone else around you. Right Like, if you are amongst people who believe that a single mom is going to struggle for her whole life, those aren't the people that you should hang out with, right Like. Watch whose story is being projected on you and how easy for you is it for you to say I agree with that story, it's now my story. So I think that that's a huge piece Like.
Speaker 2:You need to have this internal strength of holding onto your own belief system amongst others who might not have the same belief system. So, if you have a network of friends, if you have people in your world that don't believe in progress, don't believe in growth, don't believe in expansion, don't believe in the possibility of resources are going to show up for me as they need to like check that, like watch what's going on there. Because if you are putting yourself in situations where everyone around you is complaining about how they don't have enough and it's so easy to just gossip about how everyone is struggling and that's your thing with this group of friends, oh honey, like time to break away from that. Right, because what will happen is that you are in their frequency. You have now matched their frequency of lack and scarcity and victimhood.
Speaker 3:And hang out with the people that you want to become not that you want to become them, but you want the same experience, Right.
Speaker 2:So that's why we look for people who have goals and who have achievements and who are always striving for better and bigger and more expansion, right For whatever that means for you. And so that's a really big clue. And you might have this issue where you're shifting out of one friend group and might feel alone. You might feel lonely because you know that that pattern and those groups aren't meant for you, their mindset is not something that you want to adhere to anymore, and so it might feel lonely. But guess what, when we create a void, the universe can now rearrange itself to bring in the next group of people, to meet a new energy, and so it's always kind of like entered, like energetically leveling up to like who, who do I want to surround myself with? Who has this capacity to see more, do more, be more, and that's the people you want to hang out with.
Speaker 2:So you really are the product of the five people you hang out with. So watch, watch that, notice that. Who are the five people that you hang out with? What kind of money do they have? What kind of money mindset do they have? What kind of? Are they homeowners, are they renters? Like, look at who you're around, and it's not to say like people without money are bad people. It's the mindset that they're in. Recognize that, because there's people who are on the journey and that they'll they'll be good companions because you both have similar goals, right? But overall, we want some people in our life who are achieving more than us, right, we want that. We want some who are achieving more. So, even if you have one or two friends that have it more expansive than your current state, those are the people you want to be around, right? So let's, yeah, go ahead.
Speaker 3:I was just going to say a note too. It is their. Their mindset is everything Cause, like, look at the new trend of people who are living in vans and, you know, trailers and traveling the country and living on the beach and and they don't have a lot of money, they're just making life happen, you know, and they're whether they're working from home and doing these remote jobs, but I love that lifestyle. I absolutely could do that lifestyle and just be a nomad and travel the country and know that my money's just coming, my finances are just coming. But so it really is the mindset in which they have. Whether they look like they don't have a lot, you know, like some of the poorest people could have thousands of dollars, hundreds of thousands of dollars. You don't even know it. But their, their energy projects this like abundant energy you know what I mean Like everything just comes and they're okay with that.
Speaker 3:It's like in my household, my husband, if I ever and I have more of a lacking mindset than he does not so much now but it is because I've been a single mom and all those things that I've had to do, and he's not like that. He's like it's coming. So now I have that mindset. If I have to put something out extra on a bill or something costs more than I thought, now I instantly am like I know it's coming back to me, it's all good. I stay in that energy because I've lived in the other energy of going through the fear process of it and all that does is bring stress, releases all the negative hormones and chemicals in my body and everything spikes and I'm like I don't like feeling like that. So for me, now I put forward if I have to put 500 out, 500's coming in, 600's coming in, you always want to add a dollar, At least a dollar, because that's the abundance flowing and continuing right. So even on your gas tank, when you do, if you're only doing 40 to 41, even though that might not seem like, but it is it's because you're continuing to have a number above the limit that you have put it. So you're continuing to have abundance.
Speaker 3:And so with that it's also having affirmations. You know I am open to receive from all areas and levels of life. You know my bank is open to receive unlimited income. You know just. However, whatever talks to you, have affirmations around your home, right, Clear out your space and if you're cluttered, you're going to be cluttered inside. That represents money, that represents your bank account, right. So have your affirmations. Have a clean space, bring in colors in your home that lift up your vibration, and so, when you do those things, put a bowl of fruit out on your table that shows abundance, right, Some oranges and lemons and citrus right now, like put that out. Have your peaches in the spring. Like do certain things that show you have the means and the finances to do and have abundance in your home.
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely. And so it's key to also watch with those affirmations. Like if you have an affirmation and there's this tiny voice in the back of your head that says, bullshit, we need it, we need it, it's not, it's not going to work. If you have, like I have a million dollars, and you have a sticky note everywhere that says I have a million dollars in my bank account, and your whole mind is going bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. That's not the way to do it. We have to actually believe in the affirmations that we post and really recognize that it's okay to say something easier.
Speaker 2:I see myself with X amount of money. I could see that. I could see that possibility right. So start with an easier step if the full affirmation isn't in alignment.
Speaker 2:And back to Chantel's point, what we desire might necessarily necessarily be the money amount in our bank account. It might be a lifestyle I want to work and travel at the same time and always have enough. Like, what a beautiful thing. Like there's a lot of people who can now work and travel. Their nine to five is now no longer connected to an office building, like so many office buildings have closed, and now there's this room for flexibility that people can work and travel at the same time. And so it's getting clear on what is it that I desire, what's the lifestyle I want? Do I want to homeschool my kids versus sending them to an outside education? Right? Like what is it that you actually desire? Is it family connection? Is it knowing that you feel the security of having a retirement fund? Is it that you want to travel out of the country at least three times a year? Like what is actually going to help you feel abundance and flowing and having everything that you desire?
Speaker 2:It doesn't have to be necessarily a money number in your bank account and with that number of money in your bank account, recognizing what's the lowest of your low, what's your bottom and what's your top that you're comfortable with right, everyone has a bottom and everyone has a top right. So we have this, this low more. Like I have to make at least that much money. I can't ever go below that and watch, your bank account rarely ever goes below that. Well, the same thing happens at the upper limit. Like I could never see myself making more than $5,000 a month or $10,000 a month. Like it's not even possible. Like you are setting your upper limit.
Speaker 2:So this is what Chantel is saying Like what if you, if it was just one number above that one, one more continuation of that? And so when we look at that comfort zone, and sometimes your, your low, is in the negatives, like well, I can have two past bills out or I can have this much debt, like, recognizing where that is and going, can you lift that lower number up and can you take your higher limit of going? I could never see myself making $20,000 a month or whatever it is and pushing that upper limit up. So you're shifting everything up and just going. Okay, for three months I'm going to have this new range of what my comfortable zone is.
Speaker 2:So I couldn't even possibly imagine making less than $5,000 a month or whatever your number is right. Can we just shift everything and know that this is my new range? And if there's limiting beliefs coming up, let's notice them, let's look at them. Where did those come from and how can we step into this? It feels like more of a magical lifestyle, of like. Of course the money is going to be there and who's doubting you? Let's, let's, let's like push them to the outskirts of our life.
Speaker 3:And if you have doubters and if you look at your debts, maybe change it to their your assets, because really they are. I mean, we use the word in society as our debt, right? And so then you're the slave to your debt You're always having. You're chasing that dollar, you're trying to pay that off, but if you have a car payment, that's an asset. You need that car. Give love to the car, give thanks to paying off that car, you know. So, every time you pay towards it, you're paying towards your asset. Your home is your asset. Your credit cards can be your asset because somewhere you purchased something that you needed and wanted, right? So if we can even change that mindset, that helps, right. So, and then, what was it? There was something else that you said and I was like well, let, me.
Speaker 2:Let me riff off of that. That's the debt thing, the credit cards. You know there's such a negative connotation around credit card debt but if we start looking at it it's like I'm, this is a choice, this is a, this is an asset of going. I am utilizing this opportunity. My credit card is an opportunity to say yes to the thing that I want, to pay it off over time. That's it, that's all. It is right. Like if we can take the negative connotation out of out of the credit card debt and say this was a choice to make payments over time for the thing that I wanted, then it's a blessing. It's such a blessing and I, I, I do this with my credit cards. Sometimes it's very much like I want to take this trip or I want to take this course, or I want to participate in this opportunity or that new piece of clothing that I'm like Googling over, right, and sometimes it's saying I am worthy to take the money to take this as an opportunity to pay it off over time and I'm saying yes to that, knowing like I know, like I know that at any point that I decide that I want to be debt free, it's then in the realm of possibility as well. Right Like I get to decide when I'm done with having the debt, because it's neutral, it's our culture, it's our society. It's our society that puts this heaviness on our debt and that's what makes it feel so heavy and that's what makes it feel like such a struggle bus. If we can get in alignment with.
Speaker 2:This was an awesome opportunity. Having student loans was an awesome opportunity for me to get the education that I wanted, to get the degree that I wanted, to get the degree that I wanted or not. Whatever opportunity that was, I'm grateful for it, and now I'm going to pay it off over time. There's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, especially when you know some of the tricks with credit, like when you can actually see it like a game, whether that's with your credit score or how you can pay.
Speaker 2:You could literally pay just a few dollars every day and then they can't compound your interest, like there. There's a way that you can see it like a game and be like yeah, I can have credit card and it doesn't have to. Interest doesn't have to go up because I know how to play the game. If it's a game, well then it's a lot easier to look at than like this thing that you have to like, force yourself into. It's like no, it's just. The whole financial industry is just a game. We're in the matrix people playing the capitalist game Like it's a game.
Speaker 3:It's totally a game, and especially if you get rewards and points and all of that. It totally is a game because you're building up on your own assets, your own action of it. But there is this negative way of looking at debt and that's why it's like no, just change that, because then the game is in your favor. You have the control of it, right, you have the control. If you want to pay it off at the end of every month, you have the control. If you want to pay it off at the end of every month, you have the control. If you want to make the minimum monthly payment, you have the control. If you want to add an extra hundred.
Speaker 3:Like it's all in our control of how we're doing it. You know, it just seems like it's all in their control because they determine, you know, the fees and this and that. But really if we pay our part, it just trickles down. So it's just the transfer of energy from one account to another account. So if you just see it like that, you're just taking it from your bank account and you put it under your credit card account. So if you owe $500, you paid 100, now you have 400, but you just increased how much you have available. So it's really just seeing it. It's literally changing the mindset of it and having a different perspective, a different point of view, and that's how we can make our money more abundant. For us it's just playing it out there and knowing, yes, we are in the matrix and we are all playing this game together.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so let's learn from each other. It's working for you, it's working for me, right, and I? You know, the one thing I love within the deaf community is that they communicate about their finances. Hearing people are like we don't talk about that, like, oh, that's my business, I don't need to tell you what my car payment is or this and that. And in the deaf community they don't have that. They're like what is that? They want to learn from each other, and so I think, yeah, we need to learn from each other.
Speaker 3:If you found a great deal, what was your great deal? If you have some kind of money tip, share your money tip, right, you know, like, for me, my money tip is I have a monthly calendar. I like to see where my bills are, can manifest how I want it, I want, I'm going to put my money there, I move it around, so at the end of the month, I know I'm good and solid, right, so it's just having certain tips, share them. What works for you might work for me, and what works for me might not work for you, but at least we can share it right.
Speaker 2:Help, lift each other up and celebrate each other. Like when you do get your student loans paid off, that should be a celebration. When you get your credit card paid down, celebrate it. When you do get that extra money that shows up, celebrate it. And I don't mean by necessarily going and spending more money. Right Like when I first started my business, I literally had a celebration ceremony every single time a student signed up. Right Like, so it was. It was about having a dance party with my kids and and celebrating with tea and cookies. Like that was my thing, and so we set ourselves up to going. Oh my gosh, I can't wait to have my dance party and celebrate with my tea and cookies.
Speaker 2:Like it's not necessarily going out and buying you the, the fancy watch because you made $2,000 and now your watch costs 500 or whatever it is, and like that doesn't necessarily help in the long run, and so, but we get to celebrate, we get to celebrate and that celebration is the expansive energy because you're telling the universe look, I witnessed this amazing thing that happened in my life and I'm I want more of it. Please, yes, please, and thank you. Right, and so, like we had a student who she took our our program and she had no idea how she was going to pay for the course and and she just stepped in fully and trust and and she had $50,000 worth of debt and by the end of the program it miraculously, was like waived and paid off and like it didn't have to necessarily come through her, it was just it's done now. And for everyone in that cohort to celebrate with her that this was a miracle that showed up because of the work that she was doing and then her being able to pay off the course within a few months was like just another going. See, when we step into this flow of manifest and manifestation and abundance and we're in alignment, we're doing the work. We're doing the work because we're getting the negative stories out of her head, saying yes to the positive stories and showing up every single day with this new mindset, with a new belief, with the new knowingness of that of course it's available to me because I'm worthy of it and it always comes down to your self-worth.
Speaker 2:So if you look down upon yourself, you don't think you're good enough. We need to start there, like, of course you're worthy of it. Your human birthright is to be abundant, to have all of your needs met and more. And so where are we telling ourselves that I'm not good enough, I'm flawed, I'm not lovable? Of course the universe doesn't love me, whatever your story is. That's what we need to clean up, because that is what we're manifesting. We're manifesting proof of what our belief system is, and so once we recognize that, then things can shift. Then things can shift. We can then bend energy, we can bend time, we can change our bank account. Like we can do these things, like I manifested my, my house.
Speaker 2:I own this beautiful townhouse and a co-housing community and literally on my vision board for like 10 years was a co-housing house. Like I have wanted this forever, and in the two years prior for me to to owning my home, chunks of money would show up and I would have. No, I have no tangible logical reason of how I was able to come up with my down payment. I can't like a hundred thousand dollars flow to me so easily just because I knew, like I knew. Like I knew that this was my house and before I moved in, it was very interesting. I actually changed units from the very last unit that was supposed to be built to the very first unit that was supposed to be built and at that same time, they were changing everyone's addresses. For some reason, they were changing everyone's addresses. Turns out that my building number is three, my unit number is 16 and my birthday is three, 16. They changed everyone's addresses.
Speaker 2:In my mind, the universe rearranged everything to give me a sign that this was my home. This was my house. Here's all of the money. Here's your new address. This is meant for you and to know like.
Speaker 2:Even looking back, I'm like I have no tangible explanation of how the money showed up, how it did. I don't understand it. I don't need to understand it. It's that I knew that, that this house was mine and I had spent years preparing, years preparing. For the house to manifest, I had to change the way I work. I had to change the way I did things. I had to change my mindset. I had to say yes to my self-worth. I had to say yes to my self-love. I had to be in the right energy and frequency and allow it to come to me.
Speaker 2:So I never doubted that it was going to happen. It was just a matter of when, and it happened a year before that. I had planned it. I was like awesome, great. Let's move to the very first unit that's available and I'm so like now, I walk through my house, giving gratitude to the walls, giving gratitude to the carpet, giving gratitude to my bamboo island in my kitchen, like all of these things, and into the community in which I exist, because I get to know all of my neighbors, like this is, this is, I can't, I couldn't afford a farm. But guess what? Now I'm living in a collaborative community where we have goats and chickens and an ice skating rink and a Creek through our backyard and a trailhead off off our land, and it's amazing. It's amazing, but I had to know that I was worthy of it. And it all starts there. You have to know that you are worthy of the abundance that's trying to flow your way.
Speaker 3:That really is important, because when you don't believe you're worthy when that money comes, that money will leave, and that's the thing. That's why you hear about people who win the lottery or who inherit all this money and they're a millionaire and then they're broke again oh yeah they didn't have the worthiness, they didn't believe in themselves, or they didn't know how to work with the energy of money.
Speaker 3:And when you don't know how to work with the energy of money either, money like it, like it's, it is that exchange, it's going to go. It's going to go where it's going to be blessed and have gratitude and all the things right. It's going to be used correctly. And so with that, it's like knowing you have to be in full alignment with where the money is at in your mindset. And so, sorry, guys distract. He just brought me my coffee. See, I manifested my coffee.
Speaker 3:So with it is it is knowing that. Because when we also are like well, when I receive that, then I'll be happy. When that happens in my life, then I'll be, you know, able to go and do this and vacation, whatever it is. But when we live on the one wins and the ifs that can take forever. So live it now. Even if a vacation to you is camping in your backyard, go camp, right, create that. Even if that's all you can do, have fun with it. You know, make a makeshift camp in your living room. If that's all you can do for right now, that's okay. It's the joy that you're bringing forward versus the amount of money that it costs to go and do it.
Speaker 2:I want to say thank you all for participating, listening, tuning in, taking the time to be with us. Know that you are worthy, you are special, you are unique, you are divine, and when we have this knowingness, everything's going to flow easier. So until next time, may the whispers of wisdom rise from within show.
Speaker 1:The Wisdom Rising podcast is sponsored by Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcasting app and be the first to know when we release a new episode. You can find us on Instagram, facebook, youtube and TikTok at Moon Rising Institute or visit our website moonrisinginstitutecom to learn more about our mission and find future opportunities to connect with our community of shamanic mystics. Once again, thank you for sharing space with us today and until next time, may you awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising from within.