Wisdom Rising
Shamanism, Reiki, Spirituality, Personal Development, and More. It’s time to re-member your Divine purpose and limitless potential. Welcome to Wisdom Rising, the official podcast of Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. Join Shamanic Reiki practitioners Christine Renee, Isabel Wells, and Shantel Ochoa as they guide you on a journey of radical self-discovery and spiritual guidance. Each week we dance through the realms of shamanism, mysticism, energy healing, and personal development to illuminate your path to true healing and self-sourced wisdom. Through weekly inspired conversations and interviews with leading spiritual and shamanic practitioners, we’re here to help you acknowledge, reconcile, and balance your energy so that you can awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising within. You can follow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok at MoonRisingInstitute, or visit our website, moonrisinginstitute.com, to learn more about our mission and find future opportunities to connect with our community of Shamanic mystics.
Wisdom Rising
Unlocking Your Purpose Through Soul Contracts
Unravel the mysteries of soul contracts in this enlightening episode! Listen as Christine and Shantel share profound insights backed by personal stories, exploring how understanding soul contracts can empower individuals on their journey of self-discovery and healing. By delving into the core of what a soul contract entails—relationships, teachings, and the underlying unity consciousness—we invite listeners to reflect on their personal journeys and how their soul agreements tie into their life experiences.
In this episode, you'll hear:
• An overview of soul contracts
• A reflection on the personal impact of understanding soul contracts
• Explanation of unity consciousness as it relates to soul agreements
• Discussion on the role of archetypes in understanding our soul contracts
• Insight into how relationships serve as profound teachers in our lives
• Encouragement on how to recognize your divine purpose
• How soul contracts can empower us to step out of victimhood mindset
• And more!
So tune in now to unlock your purpose!
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It's time to remember your divine purpose and limitless potential.
Speaker 1:Welcome to Wisdom Rising, the official podcast of Moon Rising Shamanic Institute.
Speaker 1:Join shamanic Reiki practitioners Christine René, isabel Wells and Chantelle Ochoa as we guide you on a journey of radical self-discovery and spiritual guidance. Each week, we'll dance through the realms of shamanism, mysticism, energy healing and personal development to illuminate your path to true healing and self-sourced wisdom Through weekly inspired conversations and interviews with leading spiritual and shamanic practitioners. We are here to help you acknowledge, reconcile and balance your energy so that you can awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising from within. Hello, hello and welcome back to another amazing episode of the Wisdom Rising podcast. In today's episode, you'll join Christine Rene and Chantel Ochoa for part two of our soul contracts conversation. If you tuned into the podcast a few weeks ago, you heard our first episode Understanding the Power of Soul Contracts, where Chantel and myself dove into everything about soul contracts and looking at them as pre-incarnation agreements and the distinction between the soul perspective and the human perspective, and so much more. If you didn't hear that first amazing episode, I will link it in the show notes. I encourage you to listen to that one before you dive into this one, because in today's episode, chantel and Christine are going to take the idea of soul contracts one step further and bring them to the personal level. So they'll be sharing their own stories of how soul contracts have shown up in their life, how learning to work with these soul contracts has transformed their spiritual journey, and so much more. They'll even dive deeper into the idea of unity consciousness, why soul contracts are so important, how we can heal through them, and so much more. So be sure to listen to part one before diving into today's part two episode. In addition, if you love all of this information about soul contracts, be sure to join Chantel for a four-week masterclass starting on March 11th. This class will meet for four weeks on Tuesdays at 5 pm Pacific time, 8 pm Eastern time, and in this class, chantel will cover waking up to unity consciousness, what soul contracts and soul families are, how to empower yourself by understanding soul contracts, introduce you to the archetypical guides and the role they play in your life, learn how to map and recognize your own soul contracts, all while learning valuable steps for personal growth and collective healing. So, once again, if you are ready to master the idea of soul contracts and learn how they affect your life, purpose, so that you can live a more authentic and empowered life, then this soul contracts masterclass is for you. This is the first of a series of masterclasses that we're doing here at the Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. We'll have another one launching next week, but for now, know that this is your last full week to enroll in Chantel's four-week soul contracts masterclass. Again. That starts next Tuesday, march 11th, at 5 pm Pacific time, 8 pm Eastern time.
Speaker 1:In addition, if you're looking for another fantastic way to connect with our shamanic community, I invite you to join our gateway to spirit book club. That starts this Wednesday. Gateway to Spirit Book Club. That starts this Wednesday, march 5th, at 4 pm Pacific time, 7 pm Eastern time. We're diving into Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. This book is one of my personal all-time favorite books. This is my third, second or third time through reading it and I am so excited to dive into it with our community Book Club.
Speaker 1:This Time Around will be meeting every other Wednesday for an hour, and this week, on March 5th, at 5 pm Mountain Time, 7 pm Eastern Time, we'll be talking about part one of Braiding Sweetgrass. But don't worry, if you're just hearing about this now and you want to join. You're welcome to join in the conversation and then catch up with us for our next meeting on March 19th, where we'll be discussing section two, book Club, this time around is donation based, so when you make a donation to our soul alignment fund, you are helping us to offer scholarships and support so that we can continue to offer free offerings and scholarship support to our students and help our community be strong and aligned through our soul alignment fund. All of the information on how you can register for book club will be in the show notes and, in addition, be sure to keep an eye on your email so that you can get updates on all of the amazing masterclasses, workshops, book clubs and more that we have coming for you in the coming months. If you're not signed up for our newsletter already, I'll put a link to join in the comments in the show notes, and when you sign up for our newsletter, you will get a free guided shamanic journey to meet your spirit guide as well A little bonus thrown in for you there.
Speaker 1:Finally, if you aren't a member of our shamanic mystics moon rising Facebook group, I highly encourage you to join us. We are a rapidly growing community of over 4 000 amazing individuals walking this shamanic and spiritual path, and we are here to hold space for you and witness and show support for your voice and your journey. With all of that said, we are so grateful that you are here listening to us today. We are hitting records. We just passed 15 000 subscribers on our YouTube channel, so if you haven't checked out our YouTube channel, be sure to head over there and hit that subscribe button. We are also loving seeing our downloads climb for our podcast, so be sure to share this podcast with anyone and everyone you know so that we can reach more shamanic and spiritual seekers, just like you. With all of this said, I hope you enjoy today's podcast on soul contracts. Let's go to the show.
Speaker 2:All right, welcome. Welcome everyone for another whispers of wisdom, our community conversation on all of all things, spiritual topics. Um, I'm joined with Chantel Ochoa today for a part two on our soul contracts conversation and I'm excited because I wasn't included on the first conversation. So now I get to come in and share my perspectives and we're going to dive into some personal stories about how soul contracts and that idea has impacted our lives. So welcome, chantel.
Speaker 3:Hello everyone, good morning. I'm just burning some polo over here getting my mind into this conversation. So, yeah, I'm excited about this one too and the fact that you and I get to jump on this conversation. Since Izzy and I did it last time, this is going to be really. It's just so informational. You know, and this morning I got up and just so everyone knows, soul Contracts is based off of this book, sacred Contracts by Carolyn Miss, and so I'm just showing that because that's where this really does come from.
Speaker 3:She does a really beautiful job of putting it down on paper and explaining what it's all about, but it's our soul contracts, right? So this has been with us since our birth, since the beginning of time, all of it. But the way that it is taught is just so profound because when you understand it, it really has a strong impact on your life. Because when you understand it, it really has a strong impact on your life. Today, jumping on and talking about household contracts show up in our life, how we can map them, recognize them and see the bigger picture.
Speaker 2:And I love that this. This is our part two. This is like an expansion of, and so I'm really I'm, I'm, I'm excited, I'm getting ready. I'm drinking my coffee this morning. It's decaf, but that's exactly all I can handle.
Speaker 3:I got myself a big old mug of coffee this morning.
Speaker 2:My mind's been going for a couple hours already, so I'm like, yeah, just fill it up, I might as well get in with me just just drinking my, my mushroom coffee with a little decaf and and set my son off this morning, got him I didn't get him off the airport, like I was planning on getting him off the airport, but he's. He jumped on a plane down to Arizona for a one week trial internship and I'm just he's so adulting. He's 18 and he's adulting and I'm like I'm going to miss you. You need to call me.
Speaker 3:It's crazy when they start. Yeah, my daughter is moving to Arizona on Wednesday.
Speaker 3:Yeah, transitions right yeah yeah, you know, and I was thinking about it, my sister is asking about it and I said, you know, her adventure creates adventure for me. So I'm trying to see it in a way that's more. It's going to get me into Arizona more often and I'll travel and do things that are out of my box right now, which is great, you know, because I haven't been Arizona in a minute and it's one of my favorite states. So I'm just seeing it as it's a really big positive, even though it took me a few months to kind of adjust to the idea. But once I got out of my mom head I was like no, she needs to go do her and we'll see what happens and how it all works out.
Speaker 2:I love this as we tie it into soul contracts, soul family agreements of like. How do we show up as mothers, how do we show up in a supportive way to these like really big relationships in our life, and for me it's like it's been really interesting. I have a very interesting relationship with my son because I'm more wild than he is, like I'm just, I'm more living life than he is and I'm like come on, zach, like let's go to this thing or let's have this experience. And he's like no, mom, I'm trying to be responsible right now.
Speaker 2:Come on, buddy, mom, I'm trying to be responsible right now. Come on, buddy, don't play with me. But he's also like I have a very unique relationship with him and the fact that you know, just the other day he called me on his way home it was probably like 10 PM and he's like, okay, mom, get our drinks ready, get the oven on. Like I'm going to come home, we're going to dish. Like he drinks ready, get the oven on. Like I'm going to come home, we're going to dish. Like he's he, he. I came home. He came home and he literally chatted my ear off about every detail of his life for an hour and a half and I'm like I don't know what 18 year old does this with his mom.
Speaker 2:But we hold each other with such an air of confidant and nonjudgment that it's very unique relationship and I love that. That's part of our soul agreement to have this acceptance of one another and showing up for one another. And I'm like, okay, buddy, if you're going to leave you're he's leaving me Like he's trying to leave the nest as soon as possible, like he even told me the other day that he's planning on, he's thinking about taking a few weeks off in May to start his internship early, even though he still has high school classes. He's like I'm sure I can figure it out with my teachers to like be done early, and I'm like, oh my God, like the moment he leaves he's never coming home. Like there's this knowingness, but I'm like he will never be back in Montana. He's so over Montana and I'm like, yeah, I'm like so he is gone, but I've already cultivated such a relationship that I'm like it'll be okay, it'll, it'll be, I'll be all right.
Speaker 3:And he's going from one extreme to the other. So that's such a trip too, because he's going from the mountains in the snow to the desert and the heat. Yeah, yeah, that is. It really does, mark, and it shows you how your soul contract with your son is showing up. You know the mother and the son relationship and how you guys are holding space for each other in your own growth, even though there's however many years between you. You know you can look at each other as the humans that you are, even though you hold this really significant role in his life.
Speaker 2:Yeah Well and the roles have been messy for a long time.
Speaker 2:His father has been toxic, right Like and I've talked about this on the show many times about his father showing up in a very strong, narcissistic, emotionally abusive behavior.
Speaker 2:And as soon as my son became more and more an adult, he was able to see what the relationship was for it, for what it was and really learning how to advocate for his own boundaries and have this really crown chakra perspective of his relationship with his dad going.
Speaker 2:I know exactly why I have the father that I have and I know exactly why I have the mother that I have and I'm accepting of what gifts they brought me and the choice that I have with the relationship with each and I'm like what 18 year old has that level of self-awareness to begin with. So I feel absolutely proud of him and also like what a gift for him to move forward into his, into his life, of making choices, of recognizing his soul path, of what his parents offered him Right, even though he what he knows his dad is emotionally abusive. He doesn't have any victimhood mentality out of it, right, and so he's like I see the blessings that my father gave me by toughening me up and making sure that I don't make the same choices that he did which is why he won't drink or do drugs or you know all of these things Cause he saw that that was part of his dad's path. His dad's a dry alcoholic or a functional alcoholic, I should say.
Speaker 2:And and so it's. It's just really awesome to witness someone at that such young age having that level of awareness and choice of. I'm not going to let my past rule and dictate my future.
Speaker 3:Yeah, he's not over identifying with all of the experiences that he's had in his childhood. So now he can take on life and take on his adulthood in a different perspective, versus being the victim of mom and daddy issues. He's like no, he's been able to heal through that with you and his journey as he's been getting older and then, at the same time, recognizing where his dad stands and holds that space for him too. So that's pretty darn amazing actually. Yeah, I'm like good job, I know right Myself on the back over here.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and it just it really does show when you can see the bigger picture in situations in our life, how it can alchemize and how it can show up like how we can grow through it, versus it becoming something that we have to consistently heal through. We can see it for what it is in the moment and say, okay, I can move and shift through this and it doesn't have to be this long, you know, decade to decade thing that we're having to heal through, and so that's just. I think kids are just coming in, so different these days to the awareness and when you have conscious parents, it's just a different experience all the way around.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. I remember when I took him to one of my good friends and colleagues and she's a past life regressionist and you know, really wanted to kind of help him see the idea of soul contracts from the past and what's bringing forward, and I it was like a fundamental shift in his awareness from I think he was probably 12 or somewhere between 12 and 14 when I brought him and the, the past life regressionist was like oh my gosh, you should be so proud of your parents. They haven't killed each other this lifetime. You know. Like it was like they're they're actually functioning and not causing physical harm. Like we're making progress, like just in having that idea of that we've come from such contrast past lives.
Speaker 2:And then having Zach recognize his relationship with his father through past lives of why his father is so attached to him, this lifetime is so based on the stories of the past lives so that he could recognize like, oh well, yeah, we weren't together and when we were Vikings, like one of us would have died. Like he had that recognition of all of his past stories and past lives that brought him to his new soul agreements, this lifetime of what he wanted to get out of this relationship. And when I met his father, it really was like, the moment I saw him I was like, oh, that's the, that's the father of my child. You know, like that awareness of not, he's my soulmate, not I'm going to be with him forever, not instant love, it was, oh, that's the father of my child. And I could feel like this veil come over me to make sure I would come into union with this person so that the child would be a product of it, right, like, and in that, in those certain instances, right.
Speaker 2:And so I just find this, this topic, so interesting and can be so validating to understand why our past is what it is and to bring us out of that victimhood mode of going. Yeah, of course I chose that, of course this child needed to be a product, of course I needed to learn this lesson, of course I needed to learn how to find my own independence and truth and work through it. And for me, a lot of it was having boundaries right, like that was my big life lesson, that his father was the teacher of Right. And so I, I just love, I just love soul contracts, because it makes sense to me, it makes everything make sense.
Speaker 3:I'm like, oh, yeah, okay, I get that now I think when you there's a knowing to the remembering of you know this. I was thinking about it this morning when I was kind of making some notes for this conversation and I see I speak of it like I've done this deep dive of studying with it and everything, and when I really thought about it I'm like I really haven't, you know, but it's when the concept came through, is like this huge, just download of remembering and knowing that it just impacted my soul on such a heavy level, like just such an extreme level, that it broke through so many like barriers in my life. And that is literally when you know the truth is coming forward, is when it speaks to you on such a profound level and then you can map it out and see it for what it is and you're like, oh my gosh, this is what we're here to do. And so part of the things I was thinking about this morning is why there's like fear of change or what can happen that we create a whole reality based off of that in our own thought patterns, and it's like it's really not what it's about. We got to get out of that fear-based energy to take chance to say, hey, you know what there's already, things that we have predict, we have put in place an action for our life and just trust in the flow that what's coming forward is for our highest good. And when those things do come forward that are traumatic, they're difficult to go through, it gives you this sense of like standing in your warrior position and say I can handle this because I've learned all of these techniques to be able to stand strong, to be able to face this.
Speaker 3:And when you learn about the archetypes, which is also a part of our soul contracts, because going through it, it's like you have our archetypes, we have our chakras, which are our emotional energy fields. That is how one of the things I really loved in it it says our biography becomes our biology. And I was like, yes, so I wrote that down because it's so true. It's our story becomes our health, it becomes our illnesses and our disease. So we either are going to manifest good health because we're moving and shifting through our stories in a positive way, or we're going to shift through them in a negative way and that causes disease and illness. And I was like, okay, there you go. So we have archetypes, you have chakras, we have our soul contracts and you know, with people in our life and it's just so. It's layered upon, layered upon layered, but when you see it and you're like I get it, it all just kind of fits in. All the puzzle pieces fit in together, you know, Absolutely, yeah, I love it.
Speaker 3:So I thought we could get onto some like part of the masterclass that's coming up in Moon Rising, which starts on the 11th March 11th and I'm really excited about it but is recognizing our mapping out our own soul contract. So I thought you and I can do that. We've been doing that a little bit right now, but I want to kind of start it off and recognize, like, even through some of the most difficult aspects of our life, you can see it when you look back, you can see how it has impacted our life to grow us and to build us and to help us be go where we're going, right, who are we coming? And so, um, as a child and I've talked about this you know my, my dad was in an accident when I was four and he, he died and he died and my mom was 22. I was four, my brother was three and my mom was eight months pregnant with my sister Right.
Speaker 3:But my dad, who raised us, stepped right in, like right in and raised us as if we were his own and never looked back as if we were stepchildren or thought of us anything less than right, and we never looked at our dad as anything less than our dad. So we were like we always had our real dad and then we had our dad that raised us and loved us like he was. And as an adult I look back and I'm like, wow, my dad, you know, he took on a grieving mother and three grieving children and loved us in such a deep, profound way that even 15 years later then they had my youngest sister. And see, when you look at it, it's like my dad and my parents. So, on a much bigger, okay, Human experience, tragedy upon tragedy upon tragedy. But on a soul level, if you look at us coming together to discuss what we're going to go through, right, they all came.
Speaker 3:We came to this agreeance that my dad was going to come in. Us three kids were going to be the product of the relationship of my parents, right, and then, through his departure, his transition, my dad was now going to come in to raise us and have his imprint on us and then my sister would come in later, which could have never happened if my dad would have stayed. You know what I'm saying. So it's like when you have that big picture. So what is it that I learned from that? One is resilience. One is being able to look at death and handle death, and be able to move through the process of grief but then to be strong Right. And so there was a lot of things I had to learn through that process, but when you can point it out, it's like wow, that's just so profound and we can find the blessings within the traumas of it.
Speaker 2:Well, and also I'm curious for you and your learnings was it also allowing love to come in rad and radical way, even in the midst of something that's heavy?
Speaker 3:Yeah, being able to accept somebody else coming in and saying, okay, you're now my dad. Yeah, absolutely Accepting others that in our life. And then, even when you were talking about your son's dad, I had that because how old were you? So I was 16 when I got pregnant with my first son.
Speaker 2:I was 24 when I had my son, so I probably was married off. I was married off is what I felt like. I was married when I was 22 and had only been with him like a year prior. Okay, it was still young, like compared like we were young when we had our first babies.
Speaker 3:Yeah. And then it's like the knowing of like. When I met my son's dad, I didn't feel like, oh, you're mine forever. No, it was like, literally, you are the father of my child, that's coming, and I just knew it. I just knew it. And then when I had him, I was done with that relationship. It was like I got what I needed from the relationship. I learned so much from him in, you know, the leaving in the relationship of itself. And then in the end, I have my son, and that he has been my oldest son, has been my biggest lesson and he is the one who made me step up and be a mom Right. So it was like all these things that happened in our life and when we look at it it's like, oh shit, how the heck did I get through all that? But it's because it's part of the contract in which we're here to do yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I feel like for mine it was like, okay, I had my son at 24. I left his dad by the time I was 26. And the lesson wasn't over. Like I learned how to create those physical boundaries of like you're no longer, I'm no longer available to have you physically in my life, like I don't want to be in your presence. To now I need to learn how to have emotional boundaries Now. I need to learn how to have psychic boundaries Now. I need to learn how to put all these things in place so that I'm not under emotional attack.
Speaker 2:And overall, like that custody battle lasted about 10 years and so the lesson afterwards was even longer. Like the emotional abuse that was occurring during the marriage was significant. I had lost a lot of weight, I was, uh, I I mean people looking like people have told me I was just a doormat and I it was. I had no, no level of self esteem, no level of self-confidence, no level of standing up for myself, and if you've been listening to this podcast for a while, you know like that is not my story at all anymore. Right, like I've radically shifted mindsets and it took not just the relationship but the 10 years custody battle afterwards to get to the point of I no longer give any fucks. I no longer like if it there's a level of having to surrender in the process and giving the power when he was older, like giving the power to my son of like this is who your dad is. The court says that you can't have to have a you know, a poor parent and there's nothing I can do to protect you, and so now it's your job to learn how to protect yourself. And this is your journey, your story. And so it became a transition of me and mama bear mode of always trying to protect him, always trying to make sure all of his needs were met too. I can't control this. This is literally the father that you chose to come in with and I can't change that. I'm like no matter what I can, no matter what I do, I cannot change the fact that you chose your parents.
Speaker 2:And once I made that recognition, things became to shift, because I wasn't energetically attached to a role that I was trying to fit into that wasn't working. I was just making myself incredibly sick, and so there was that transition of like okay, I can have all these boundaries in place, I can accept the fate for which it was dealt, because it was my choice, it was our choice, it was my son's choice, it was my ex's choice. And how can we move forward? And once I let go of that level of control, everything shifted.
Speaker 2:Like the the level of attack energetically and emotionally from my ex just stopped because I stopped caring. I was like whatever man like you're not going to phase me If he couldn't hook me in, then it was, there was nothing there to trigger, right. And so once the trigger was gone, he stopped, he stopped. And I'm like, wow, what, what a lesson just in that. And then how do I want to continue my healing process so I could help others in the world heal from the same type of that empath meets narcissist. You know consistent relationships that happen in our reality, like there's a reason why these two consistently come together, because it is a dynamic of the greatest lessons that you can possibly learn in a relationship is the empath needs to learn how to have energetic boundaries and how to have boundaries and stand up for themselves and be an independent individual. And then the narcissist their job, like I always say, like my ex knows everything is so committed to his soul, agreement, like he's so committed to this. I'm going to offer lessons everywhere.
Speaker 2:I go and everyone needs to have boundaries with him, and so it's just so interesting to kind of be like yeah, he's doing great, he's doing fantastic in the role that he chose to come into.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and I find that interesting because one thing is, I think it releases a level of judgment when you see, when we see like you are doing your job so fantastic that I can't even judge it, because we don't know what we're here to do. Right, we don't know everyone's contract, but what I do really love about this is that we get to go within ourself and we can map them out and see them for how they are, without having to go and have somebody tell us what they are. You know what I mean, and that's the thing. It's coming back to our own self and sourcing our information. So, yes, you having like the narcissist coming in and you and the empath and the child coming forward and the archetypes of all of that, it's just like bam, bam, bam, right there, right, and so for mine, it's like really just seeing how each role has played out.
Speaker 3:Like my mother daughter relationship has been a huge impact. Right has been a huge impact right, and it's like I've learned from her in so many profound ways that I almost do the opposite of everything my mom does, and not like so much intentionally, but it's just in my personality. If she's reacted this way in something, I do the opposite and that works really really well for me. So it's like she is the mirror for me and how I need to walk really really well for me. So it's like she is the mirror for me and how I need to walk. And so I've learned how to not be triggered by things, comments she makes or actions that she has, because it doesn't flow for me in my life. So I see it, it's a mirror. I give thanks to it and now I can go and try to be as untriggable as possible and when we're really there, we're like, no, I'm not going to be triggered by that.
Speaker 3:That is the healing, and on such a profound way. And so a lot of this is where's your personal power? Right, it's really tuning into our personal power and saying nobody can take it from me. We have to give away our power. It's not something that can be taken from us unless we allow that to happen. And that's when you stand in your sovereignty and that's when you stand in your true, authentic self of your power. And no, this is mine and energetically, I'm setting all of my boundaries, but I recognize where everyone is and how everyone is playing a role in my life.
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely, and I love that. This is where Caroline Miss, with her soul, contracts books, where it really comes together with these different archetypes of where are we standing in which archetype and what area of life is that in? And the whole thing just gets really curious for me. Like I and I think that I love that word Like I love getting curious about this stuff because the more self-awareness that we have, the more we can step out of the victimhood role. Like I can see that where the saboteur shows up, I can see where my victim shows up, I can see where my prostitute shows up, and those are some of those archetypes that we all possess. We all have those, those identities, and which area of life they show up in.
Speaker 2:So when, like, for example, my prostitute is in my house of marriage, like it is in my role, like romantic relationships, and I'm like, wow, that is so fucked up. Like I can see that, like I can have this awareness of, like I can see where that has gone awry in the past and how do I choose to recognize that? This is a archetype that I want to transmute. I want to help her alchemize into the lover, into the priestess, if you will, of going. I can see my relationships of like here's I'm transactional right, like I'll do this for you if you do this for me. Like that transactional, like that is what the prostitute come boils down to and when I can go. You know, I'm intentionally choosing not to have that behavior in my romantic partnership and we're going to give it the light of what that is and what how.
Speaker 2:It has been an issue in my past of going well, how do I want to move forward? What would the, what would the lover do, what would the priestess do in this situation? And how can I embody those archetypes and say I'm no longer available to have a transactional relationship, right, and so this is where it's like it can get fun, where it's like you're challenging yourself to be the grandest version of who you are, because if we're in that mode, we're literally going all right, soul contract. I see you, I see what you're up to and I'm going to be become the most vibrant version of who I am, the most expansive version of who I am. No longer am I going to play victim to the roles that I was given and I can transmute them into their highest qualities.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, and that is. That is the game of it, right? That's the game of life when it all boils down to it is that we're just we're here trying to figure out why we're here and what our purpose is, and through that we have our soul guides that come in and these archetypes that say, hey, I'm going to create a scenario for you to alchemize your highest version and how are you going to show up in that and say, yes, the victim coming through, the saboteur, the prostitute, all of it. And when you can stand in as the priestess, as the warrior, as your divine feminine right, your masculine, all of it, you are alchemizing yourself and you're really taking on this strong role of life and just saying I can get through this and your purpose and mission starts showing up for you through this. And your purpose and mission starts showing up for you because it's like you start to see all of the patterns connecting the dots and you're pulling back those fragments of your life experiences. That is helping you to grow and heal your heart and heal your mind and all of the emotions and everything. And it's really seeing this from that profound point of view, instead of staying in that small constrictive energy of the victim and thinking everything is attacking me and nothing is in my favor and I'm just sick and I'm this and I'm that. And it's like no, speak to yourself in such a loving way that your body has to stand up and heal, that your body has to show up in this really profound way to where, if you eat something that is not for your highest health good, you know that your body is going to reject it, that it's going to say no, and you're going to be smart enough to listen and be aware enough to say that is not for my highest good and I can't be eating that stuff or drinking that or hanging out with toxic people or just whatever it is.
Speaker 3:But we're seeing these patterns in our life which show up because of the soul contracts that we have, because of the archetypes that we're working with, and it's just, it's such a profound and beautiful way of seeing everything, like I just see it with such an open perspective, that literally it's like oh, I see, there, you are, there you are. It's like boom, boom, boom and it's okay. It's not about judgment and it's not overanalyzing and it's not being stuck in my head. It's being like having such profound awareness. You see why people show up in your life and you see how your personal patterns will make that happen. We manifest it right. Frequency matches frequency. So if we're stuck in that victim, we're going to create victim mentality, victim situations and scenarios to show us like wake up. And that's what it is. It's all about like that awakening of leveling ourself up to it.
Speaker 2:Right and I think that that's really good point on how we are broken out of this level of self-judgment when we can come to our soul agreements, our soul contracts and going no, I signed up for this, I'm taking full, radical responsibility for the position that I'm in and I now have a choice, and I think that's you know. I always say, like, the first step of healing is awareness, and so when we come into the awareness of our soul agreement, when our soul contract, what our archetypes are, what we embody easily and going is this is this to my benefit? How can I utilize this position to my benefit? What is the? And your whole body I'm? This is what I really recognize Like.
Speaker 2:I remember even just five years ago and having such poor posture, like my shoulders were concave, you know, I was protecting my heart space constantly, like making myself physically small Right. And then I've noticed over this, this last bit of timeframe where it's like when I sit, I'm sitting with my shoulders back, I'm sitting with my straight spine, and that was after years and years of hunched overness right. And then your body starts to recognize the energy, Like it used to be exhausting to sit in a straight back chair or to have my shoulders back, like it was hard for my body to do it and it took years to help it transition into proper posture Right. And so now I feel like I can stand up tall, I can speak my truth, like all of these things become available because your body is responding to the knowingness of your, of your, uh, empowerment right, like when we step out of victimhood, like, and so, you know, sometimes there's this fear that I'm going to be intimidating. When it's not intimidating, they're intimidated. Right, like my power is what it is.
Speaker 2:And so when we can recognize our you know, our sisters and brothers who are also in their empowerment, like, what a different dynamic of conversations that we have. Like what a different dynamic of conversations that we have, like we're talking about goals, we're talking about being motivated, we're talking about our self-awareness, we're talking about our health relationships, and when we come in contact with people who are not on their healing journey and they're intimidated by my presence or intimidated by my fullness of who I am, and to then meet people who are accepting and loving of, wow, she's in her power, I want, I want to hang out with those types of people I'm like then you're starting to meet your, your new tribe, right, and like there's a transitionary time and all of that, and I just love witnessing people shift and have that awareness. I think that's why I love teaching so much. I love being a mentor, I love doing coaching because I can see people shift into that radical self-responsibility of going.
Speaker 2:You know, like, if my desk is a mess, guess who messed it up? It was me. If my kitchen is a disaster, guess what? That was me, if I chose this relationship and engaged it in such a way. That was me. Like I did that, I chose that and to go. I deserve better. I am a vibration of love and therefore I deserve more than what this has to offer. And you're going to start to shift out of those types of relationships and into relationships that then reflect your level of self-love, right.
Speaker 1:And so.
Speaker 2:I love how all of it intertwines with the soul, agreements and contracts and archetypes and like, as we shift and move into understanding that oftentimes it feels like we are playing a game like we signed up for it feels like we are playing a game, like we signed up for it. We're in the game, we set up the pieces, we chose the roles and now we get to go okay, this is my fucking life, I've got the magic wand. Here's my shamanic perspective. If this is a dream and I'm the key role player in it, how do I want the pieces to move forward in self-awareness of all of these different people, characters that are showing up in my life?
Speaker 3:Yeah, and I loved the examples that you're giving like if my desk is a mess or whatever it's like, we can take accountability for the messes that we make within our home, but when it's accountability to our behavior, we're like nope, nope, it's everyone else and that is just like. No, it's the same thing If you are creating issues in your life based off of your behavior, based off of your past, look at it, be accountable to it and shift that. And so it's really tuning into the symbology of it. And that's what's so powerful, too, is when you can see the symbology of all the things showing up, like you're talking about having your back straight, right, your body responding to your thoughts, your body responding to your positive behavior. So, of course, you're going to sit up straight because you're feeling empowered, you know.
Speaker 3:And when is it that we don't feel empowered? And suddenly it's like, oh, the hip wants to act up, this wants to act up, the body is responding to our thoughts, our emotions, our energy, and so it's like nope, I am going to sit tall, I'm going to stand in my power and literally your body responds to it and everything else is in flow with that, because you're connecting it and it is like we're creating this game and we are playing it, and so how are all the roles going to show up and how are you going to continue to show up in your truth? And when you do that, it's just like, yeah, it's impacting every single aspect of your life.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I love it. So, as you guys may know, like I have such explicit trust for Isabel and Chantel and like their roles and moon rising and I don't know the details of your masterclass coming up. I know that, like you're a rock star when it comes to teaching this topic and I'm like what's up, what are you doing? What are you teaching? I want to know all the details.
Speaker 3:Okay, so, um, the sole contract masterclass. It is a four week class and so we're going to be meeting on Tuesdays, five o'clock Pacific Standard Time, so eight o'clock Eastern Standard Time, and basically this is going to just be like I'm going to have my you know my part, that I'm going to teach. I really want to deep dive into this, but I want to have open conversations with the students and I want them to come forward and be able to map out their own soul contracts. I want them to see them for themselves and be able to heal through that. Because it's nice when somebody can say, hey, look at this, is it? And there is absolutely purpose for that to have somebody help you to know what your contracts are and everything. But when you can see it in yourself, how powerful is that?
Speaker 3:And so we're going to tune into, like waking up to unity, consciousness which I love, that concept the alchemy of your soul. What are soul contracts and our soul families? So we're going to deep dive into that and how our soul family is here and how they support us and how they don't support us, and why that is happening as well. Empowering yourself through your soul contracts. We're going to get into the archetypes and the guides and we're going to map out your soul contracts and we're going to learn about the chakras and the biography of it and how it becomes our biology. And so just taking all of these concepts because, like I said, it's layers upon layers, but I just it's going to be an exciting conversation for four weeks to learn about all of this and how you can see it and open up the perspective to these soul contracts and have that big crown, chakra, soul point of view and bring it and earth, it ground it into our life, I love it.
Speaker 2:I love that the piece of you're mapping it out, like really starting to see the different soul family positions of, like why your father showed up the way they did, why did your mother show up the way they did, how did that, how did that impact your growth and development, these guardians in our life, as well as our children, and what are, what's our impact for them? What are they trying to learn? And like, I think it's really cool also to go the the stepfathers or the best friends or the people who weren't born into your soul agreement right, like and how they show up can be so eyeopening, like I just reminds me of the time when my son was like three years old and all he could talk about was past lives and he would look at my, my uh his stepdad and was just like why can't you remember we were there together.
Speaker 2:We don't like we were on the planet together and just to go, wow, like you can't make that shit up of the soul. Agreements are not just our bloodlines, that it's so much more than that. And why certain people come into your life for a brief moment to help remind you back into what was the lessons and learnings and the different dynamics, and I love that. Like we're going to, you're going to play with the archetypes and the guides and all of those pieces, like, like, we kind of want to go to class come on in, pop on in and so and it just keeps going.
Speaker 3:You know, so my, my husband now he's not the father of my children.
Speaker 3:So my husband now he's not the father of my children, right, but my granddaughter and my daughter, they represent him, they are so much like him and we always joke around how are they not? Actually, he says it was kind of funny but kind of dirty, but he was like how did my sperm get into your ex-guy to have my kids, kind of thing, you know. And I'm like, ah, that's just just funny because they are, my granddaughter and him have such a like deep connection that I'm like, how is it possible? And the way she is with music and dancing and that's all him, right, and that doesn't come from my daughter's biological, my ex-husband doesn't come from that. And so I see those soul contracts from the moment they like laid eyes on each other. It was just this instant connection and I'm talking at two days old, you know, and so it just is so profound. And so mapping them out, seeing them for what they are and having this as a big part of your toolbox moving forward in life, it just makes everything so much easier.
Speaker 2:I love it. I love it. So if you guys are interested in signing up, know that it's it's. We're now open for enrollment. It's 288 for four weeks class, and I think what I'm hearing is there's going to be a lot of spiritual coaching going on to really support you and having these aha moments. So if you have the self-awareness that is going to come from this class, you're going to be shifting out of that victimhood mode and into your fullness, into your power, into your ability to say yes to life more fully and in a more impactful way for those in your world. And so I'm really excited that this is happening and I love that we're going to be offering more masterclasses like this one in the future. So I'm super excited.
Speaker 3:Yay, yeah, and you know, too, that shamanism is going to be in it. Reiki is going to be in it. Right, it's not just, yes, it's focused on soul contracts, but it's all of it that is so encompassing. So it's definitely like just come forward and give yourself this opportunity to learn and be in a group of people that are all like-minded and heart-minded and soul-based and all of it.
Speaker 2:I love it, so be sure to check that out. It will be in our show notes. And then, until next time, may you awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising from within.
Speaker 1:Thanks for tuning in to today's show. The Wisdom Rising podcast is sponsored by Moon Rising Shamanic Institute. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcasting app and be the first to know when we release a new episode. You can find us on Instagram, facebook, youtube and TikTok at Moon Rising Institute, or visit our website, moonrisinginstitutecom to learn more about our mission and find future opportunities to connect with our community of shamanic mystics. Once again, thank you for sharing space with us today and until next time, may you awaken to the whispers of wisdom rising from within.